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Brown rice make a slim and youthful!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Brown rice make a slim and youthful! - So far, we eat white rice as a main meal. But, compared to the white rice, brown rice contains more benefits. Although a bit expensive, the benefits can be for health in very well worth the price. Here are the health benefits of eating brown rice, reported Magforwomen.

1. Lowering Cholesterol

Brown rice has the bran portion, which helps lower bad cholesterol in the body. Oil is found in brown rice bran which in turn helps prevent the risk of heart disease. Consumption of brown rice at least once a week to get the benefits.

2. Reduce the risk of obesity

Brown rice reduces the urge to eat. Brown rice can help to energize the body and makes you feel full all the time. If consumed every day can reduce the risk of obesity and good for digestion.

3. Helps to lower blood sugar levels

The rice helps to lower blood sugar levels in the body. When compared to white rice, red is a better choice for diabetics.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Brown rice is rich in antioxidants, which are beneficial to the skin. Consumption of brown rice on a regular basis reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. So you can look younger. And serves to protect the skin from sun exposure.

5. Rich in vitamin B6

A serving of brown rice has 23 percent of vitamin B6. The rice helps in the formation of red blood cells in the body. In fact, brown rice helps in the proper functioning of the organs in the body.

6. Rich in fiber

Brown rice is rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation problems. The rice provides the necessary energy for the body to function normally.

7. Help with asthma

Brown rice is rich in magnesium, which helps regulate the bodys breathing. Regular intake of brown rice helps prevent asthma problems.

8. It is good for the bones

Like brown rice is rich in magnesium, is also good for bone health. Regular consumption may help to prevent joint pain problems.

Get started now routinely consume brown rice healthier for your body!

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