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Hitting Bottom Looking Up

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Do you know how embarrassing it is to be going the wrong direction?

I got on the scale and found out that I have now put on 30 pounds of the 50 it took 3 years for me to lose.

I know all the answers. I know what to do to lose weight. I am not ignorant. Or, at least, I dont think I am.

I am not even sure what to say or ask.

I keep trying to start again and keep falling off.

Perhaps the simplest plan to begin would be the best way to go from here.

I think that the fasting twice a week works.

I know that eating veg and protein and not eating carbs works.

So that has got to be the plan. My plan.

Lo Carb and Fasting.


Im doing it.

Today I am fasting until 8 p.m. That will be my start. It is 3:32 now and I have not eaten so I might as well use the momentum. I dont recall what time I stopped eating last night so I just chose 8 p.m. in order to have a goal. That should give me between 20 and 24 hours which is a good beginning.

Between now and then (closer to then) I can cook some cabbage and meat balls which I have on hand. That will be how I end todays fast.

Tomorrow, after Bible Study at 10 a.m. I can then go shopping. I need to get some more meat and I also need some more water filters for my kitchen sink filter unit. The last one I have is already ready to change so I need some more which I buy at Sams because they are cheaper there.

Im thinking that maybe I need to do a more "Atkins" style of low carb which requires more protein just as a kick start and then do more of the veggies later.

I am winging it. But at least Ive got a new plan.

Perhaps "winging it" is what gets me off track. I dont need to plan for the rest of my life, I just need to plan for today and this week and stick to it. Nothing motivates like success so Ill just plan for this week and then go forth from there.

So, this week, Im fasting today (Sunday) and Wednesday. And the rest of the time Im eating veg and protein. Im thinking half and half should do. I really like that low carb does not require calorie counting.

I shall go and read a little more about Atkins for inspiration. And maybe skim "Eat Stop Eat" by Brad Pilon or the other intermittent fasting info I have. For further mind setting.


Here I am.

Be back soon,


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