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Pomegranate Fights Cancer and Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Sunday, March 16, 2014

(Article first published as Pomegranate Lowers Cancer Risk and Boosts Heart Health on Technorati.)
Pomegranates are a gift from nature that provide powerful multi-modal health benefits. Extracts and the juice from this super fruit are shown to lower the damaging effects from systemic inflammation that are now associated with the development of many deadly diseases. 

Pomegranates have one of the highest antioxidant ORAC scores that help to neutralize the cellular and DNA damaging effects of free radicals that accelerate aging. Pomegranates are a tasty way to provide protection from the risk of developing many forms of cancer, cardiovascular and renal disease as well as stroke and dementia.

Pomegranate in the Fight against Cancer Proliferation
One of the hallmark signs of cancer progression is when cells lose their adhesive properties and break away to different parts of the body in a process known as metastasis. This mechanism of cellular transit provides for the deadly nature of many cancer lines, specifically prostate cancer. The result of research presented to the American Society for Cell Biology shows that pomegranate-treated tumor cells increased cell adhesion and decreased cell migration that can prevent the disease from spreading to different parts of the body.

The researchers conducting this study explain that their results would apply to most types of cancer. While the results of this study pertain specifically to prostate cancer proliferation, they can be applied to most cancer cell lines due to the migratory nature of this disease. The lead research author concludes “we can now modify cancer-inhibiting components in pomegranate juice to improve their function and make them more effective in preventing prostate cancer metastasis, leading to more effective therapies."

Antioxidant Nature of Pomegranate Modifies Blood Lipids, Lowers Blood Pressure
The active compound in pomegranate is called ellagitannin and is credited for the powerful antioxidant capacity claimed by this super fruit. Pomegranate has been shown to influence gene expression and suppress the pro-inflammatory cytokine, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB). The fruit also activates an enzyme that is responsible for generating the artery-cleansing HDL cholesterol.

Information presented to the American Society of Nephrology reveals how pomegranate can inhibit the development of oxidized LDL cholesterol particles that become lodged in arterial vessel walls and cause arterial stiffening and increased blood pressure. Researchers found that extracts from the juice reduce the number of potentially fatal atherosclerotic lesions and protect the vascular system from damage, reducing the risk from a cardiovascular event.

Pomegranate is beneficial to human health because of its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. For optimal protection against heart disease and cancer, nutritional researchers advise drinking 8 ounces of the juice daily, combining the contents of an entire pomegranate into a smoothie or supplementing with 400 mg of concentrated extract. Health conscious individuals will certainly want to take advantage of this super fruit to dramatically lower risk from multiple disease processes.

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