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Easier to sneeze when she saw the light This is why!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Easier to sneeze when she saw the light? This is why! - Some people have a tendency to sneeze easier when looking towards the light. Although this does not apply to everyone, but the trend inevitably lead to questions. Why in some people, the light can trigger sneezing?

Director of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center of Alaska, Jeffrey Demain, MD reveals why. According to him, it is influenced by genes that are owned by that person. approximately 18-35 percent of people in the world have a gene associated with photic sneeze lex.

Although doctors also do not know exactly why the light ( either sunlight, or light bulbs ) can trigger sneezing, but most likely it is related to the trigeminal nerve that controls the facial nerve controls and mucous membranes, as reported by You beauty.

Optic nerve that connects the eye and the brain adjacent to the trigeminal nerve. It is likely that when the nerve is stimulated pathways, they also affect the nerves neighbors and make someone triggered them to sneeze.

Researchers still do not know why people have this kind of lex. Because they do not find something similar in animals. Animals sneeze to clear their airways and increase their sense of smell. Interestingly, this trend is handed down from generation to generation. If both your parents have a tendency to sneeze when he saw the light, then you most likely also have the same tendency.

This trend can be easier when you sneeze trouble. But also can interfere when you are sneezing while driving or performing activities that require concentration. You can avoid this tendency by using sunglasses or avoid light.

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