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Eggless Applesauce Chocolate Chips Cake

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Applesauce cake with chocolate chips makes a pect evening snack cake. This applesauce cake will be extremely moist,super spongy and extremely addictive coz of the chocolate chips. This cake is completely egg free, low fat and also vegan. I used applesauce and oil for making this cake, apple sauce acts a butter and oil with applesauce make this cake simply super moist. You can enjoy seriously this quick and easy cake for you breakfast with a cup of tea or else for your snack with a cup of coffee or milk.

Y am posting an eggless cake today instead of Diwali sweets or savouries,coz my theme of this week of blogging marathon is Eggless cakes. Seriously blogging world taught me how to make cakes without eggs and i have stopped running behind eggs since a long. If i dont have eggs, i dont even bother about it and make eggless bakes with their substitutes, one of my favourite egg substitute is fruits puree. That too applesauce works wonder in eggless bakes. Applesauce gives a wonderful moist texture to cake, if you want to make an eggless cake, give a try to this cake. Am sure you will definitely love this super spongy and moist applesauce cake.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#33.Sending this vegan cake to my event  Healthy Diet - Fat Free Recipes guest host by Dhanish.Sending to Srivallis Cake Mela.

2cups All purpose flmour
1tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Baking soda
1cup Sugar
1/2cup Chocolate chips
1/2tsp Cinnamon powder
1/2tsp Salt
2cups Applesauce
1/2cup Oil

Preheat the oven to 350F, grease a round baking pan  and keep aside.

Sieve together the flour,baking soda,baking powder, cinnamon,salt and keep aside.

Whisk together the applesauce,oil and sugar, beat together until the sugar gets dissolves.

Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, dont over mix the batter.

Fold gently the chocolate chips and pour the batter to the already prepared pan.

Bake in middle rack for 20-25minutes,until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Let the cake cool completely.

Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

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