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Tea Kadai Butter Biscuits

Thursday, February 20, 2014

As i told earlier,am running three days of blogging marathon with tea kadai menu as my theme for this weeks blogging marathon . For my todays post,am posting this famous tea kadai butter biscuits, i cant imagine a tea stall without these super buttery melt in mouth biscuits. In my earlier post, i have told few words about my relatives tea stall na, he will always have this butter biscuits in that famous huge tea kadai bottle. Whenever my maternal uncle or my grandma make a visit to our home, they will definitely come home with these butter biscuits which they never failed to bought them from that relatives tea kadai.

Butter biscuits dipped in warm tea or coffee, have you ever had this. I dont have words to say how delicious this coffee dipped butter biscuits will tastes. If you have never tried this, dont forget to make some butter biscuits at home and enjoy with a warm coffee or tea, am sure you will know the taste of this incredible pair.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#30.Sending this biscuits to Gurus Giveaway - Kids Special.

1cup All purpose flour
1/4cup Sugar
a pinch Salt
1/2cup Unsalted softened butter

Sieve the flour with salt and take it in a mixing bowl.

Powder the sugar, whisk together the softened butter and powdered sugar to make a creamy paste.

Now add the flour to the butter, knead as a soft stiff dough.

Roll the dough as a medium size log and wrap it in a plastic cling film,place it in fridge for an hour.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Remove the chilled dough from fridge, cut them as 1/4inch thickness.

Arrange over a baking sheet line over a baking tray with enough space in between,with a toothpick poke the center of the cookie dough.

Bake them for 10-12minutes.

Let the cookies cool completely and store them in an air tightened box.

Serve with coffee or tea.

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