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Unloading 7 myths about stroke!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

In addition to heart attack, stroke also including cardiovascular disease to watch. To better understand these conditions, dismantle myths about stroke as reported by the Health following.

Only a parent who had a stroke

Wrong. Although most strokes do attack people over the age of 65 years, but it turns out one-third of stroke patients are those aged under 65 years. Number of young stroke survivors had reportedly increased along with the obesity epidemic.

There is only one type of stroke

Actually, there are two. About 85 percent of strokes caused by blockage of blood vessels appears that flows to the brain. The rest was a brain hemorrhage that occurs when a blood vessel is damaged. The same risk factors, but handling is very different.

Strokes can not be prevented

Who told you? About 80 percent of strokes can be prevented. The way to control weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. All three can be obtained by diligent exercise, healthy eating, and reducing alcohol consumption.

Symptoms of stroke always spasms

Not true. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke such as dizziness light enough alone. Just like heart disease, men and women can have the same symptoms of a stroke. But some women sometimes hiccups when stroke.

Symptoms of a stroke may disappear by itself

Of course not. When he realized that the person suffers from symptoms of a stroke, the best way to handle it is to stop the symptoms. For example, immediately consult a doctor before its too late.

Long recovery from stroke can cause disability
Not always. There was once a stroke patient who did not improve his condition for six months. But thats because the brain is still in the process of rearranging the system. So still there is a chance for stroke patients to make a full recovery despite a long time.

Doctors can not help if its late three-hour

Advanced world of health makes the drugs could handle stroke patients more effectively. So it is not true if someone said that the doctors can not help when its too late stroke patients three hours for treatment. Still, the sooner treatment is better.

That the various myths surrounding the stroke needs to be dismantled. May be useful.

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