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Ask the Internet Favorite Thanksgiving Sides

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Before I head out to vote, its a quickie (but a toughie) thatll help guide the blog over the next few weeks:

Q: Straight up, what are your favorite Thanksgiving side dishes?

A: Last week, we covered portable sides. This week, were throwing our arms around the whole shebang. They don’t have to be inexpensive, they don’t have to be remotely healthy – that’s our job, to adapt them as such. Mine are:
  • Ma’s Sweet Potatoes. Uh. Muh. Guh.
  • Dad’s stuffing. He got it out of a 1984 article in Newsday, and it uses about four pounds of butter, every ounce of which is pure delight.
  • Giada DeLaurentiis’ Turkey Sausage and Chestnut Stuffing. It costs approximately a bagillion dollars to make (jarred chestnuts, anyone?), but its so rich and awesome, you wont mind bankruptcy.
Fire away, folks! I’ve already commenced drooling. I mean it. Its getting on my shirt.

Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.

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