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Shoulders and isolation movements

Monday, April 28, 2014

When used properly, isolation movements seek specific muscles and may involve a greater number of muscle fibers, which ultimately promotes hypertrophy. The configuration of the shoulder joint and mobility allow infinite variety of exercises: so we can continually seek the deltoids different angles. This range avoid follow a training program monotone. It is crucial to maintain muscle stimulation and growth. Movements are also excellent insulation to improve muscle definition, the beam separation and the symmetry.

Mono-articular movements to isolate
As their name suggests, seek monoarticular muscle movements that mobilize a single joint (biceps to the elbow for example). The advantage is a direct stimulation of muscles that work without imposing significant stress on other muscles. Polyarticular or compound movements such as squat the knees and hips, involving two or more joints and multiple muscle groups seek both. They are considered rather as movements to develop muscle mass because you can use heavier loads, but they are not as effective for isolating muscles in particular.


Golden rules for better exercises elevations
For effective implementation of elevations, the correct approach is twofold: one embodiment correct and reasonable resistance. Embodiment correct means it must maintain a correct body position, keep your elbows locked (no movement at the elbows) and moving the arms in the right direction for a given movement. Unless otherwise indicated, a good body position involves bust right with neck, back and pelvis (hips) in neutral position, the spine is properly aligned, without excessive deviation forwards or backwards. If you are standing, keep your knees slightly bent to reduce stress on the joints. The feet should be apart about the width of the hips. Unless otherwise indicated, all movements in side elevation and monoarticular movements, move each arm to shoulder height or slightly above. Bottom of each movement, stop just before the end without rest or relax you, then immediately reverse direction.


No movement of elbows to a strict form
In the various forms of elevations, insulation deltoid requires the elbow remains stationary, that is to say, they must neither bend nor soft. Just keep the elbows locked in the same position throughout the year in order to limit the actions of the biceps and triceps. This does not mean lock joints fully extended (ie keeping the arms fully extended), but preventing any movement at the elbows as if they were in the cast. If you move the elbow, it is perable to reduce the load to maintain these joints immobile during execution.


What harness do first?
It must be recognized that there is no order "perfect" exercises to promote optimal development deltoids. The trick is to find what works best for you based on your fitness goals. A theory involves working the muscles in the lower first and the posterior deltoid is often the weakest and least trained muscles of the shoulder. As the majority of exercises developed focus on the external and anterior beams while seeking minimally the posterior bundle, it seems logical to focus insulation work on the posterior deltoid. Whatever your situation, working in the first part that requires the most attention while the muscles are still fresh and strong. You can use heavier loads, which usually results in an improvement of the mass. Another idea is to change the order of exercises. Work as the first beam at a meeting in second at the next meeting and so on. Each beam has the right to special attention in the end though, the volume of training is the same for each of them. In theory, this technique promotes a more uniform development.


When isolate?
The same principles used to determine the order of the exercises can be used to organize a workout. Doing exercises monoarticular early session has its advantages: it is the same when running polyarticular exercises before isolation exercises. We recall that a lot depends on your specific training goals. In general, polyarticular exercises are executed first to focus on the most important muscles, allowing them to move the heaviest loads possible for they are stronger. Starting with the basic exercises, one can better warm up and prepare smaller muscles movement isolation that follow. The execution of the first movement of insulation can concentrate all its efforts on a particular muscle. We can préfatiguer deltoids and should normally lead to greater cumulative stress on these muscles. It really is the best way to stimulate the small muscles (which are not less conspicuous), sometimes rebellious enough development. Not only are the exercises hard at first, but they are completely exhausted when we continue with heavy and complex movements. To build muscles and improve, we must surprise and change the order of exercises, number of repetitions and sets as well as the number of exercises. Never let the muscle get used to a particular program.


Series and reps for massive deltoids
The shoulders should be worked like any other muscle group. Keep in mind that isolation exercises focus on a smaller area, more specifically the deltoids. Reduce the load to avoid injury and to be able to do the movement correctly. Be caul not to overtrain a particular region of the deltoid. Because of the size of the beams, it is neither practical nor appropriate to impose several years and many rounds. Do not realize that the majority of practitioners is that the deltoid muscles are relatively small. They do not need a large volume of work to be tired. Those who ignore this factor tend to overtrain. Limit yourself to 2-3 exercises, 4-6 sets maximum (beam), per session. The number of repetitions should stay between 8 and 12 to earn maximum volume, but it is good to go up 12-15 on an occasional basis to fully activate a beam in particular.


Objective shoulder
Whether you are male or female, shoulders well developed significantly improve the quality of your physical, whatever it is currently. Men always seem to focus on the chest and biceps, and women on the hips and thighs. Try to focus more on the shoulders for a few months and see if it does not result in a new look. Isolation movement, elevations should not be the only part of your workout shoulders, but they play a crucial role in the overall development of this muscle group.

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