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How The System Of Human Body works

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Have you ever wondered about how the human body works? Many of us are born, live, and grow old, without even knowing how our body works and we never ever really try to know. Our body is an amazing creation. Knowing about our body, and how it works, can help you maintain a strong, healthy body and live a better life. 

The human body is like a fully automatic complex machine, with many little parts that work by themselves or with other parts to perform specific functions. Sometimes, it seems like our body has a mind of its own and it embarrasses you. So it’s important to know your body so you can recognize what is normal body behavior and what is not. If there is a problem with how your body works, by recognizing that there is a problem, you can take steps to fix it or get help.
The Amazing Human Body
Your body is comprised of tiny microscopic cells. Your body is made up of trillions of them. That is more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells! Cells are so small you cannot see them without a microscope. Cells are very important as they produce energy required for daily activities, or hold the coded instructions for everything from the color of your hair to whether you have freckles or not. Cells differentiate from each other to perform different, important tasks within the body. For example, some cells might become brain cells while others make bone, and red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, while white blood cells fight infection.

When a group of cells work together to perform a specific function, they are called tissue. There are four types of tissue within the body. The first, epithelial tissue protects the body and the organs by forming a protective outer layer. The skin, which is an example of epithelial tissue, is the first line of defense against infections. 

Nerve tissue carries messages from the brain to the rest of your body by sending electrical impulses. The electrical impulses tell the muscles when to contract and affect everything from the beating of your heart to the wiggling of your toes. 

Muscle tissue functions in movement because the muscle cells contract, shorten and relax. Muscle cells know when to contract or shorten because they receive electrical signals from nerve tissue. 

Finally, connective tissue holds the body together, provides support, insulation, and protection. Bones, tendons, and ligaments are all examples of connective tissue.

When two or more types of tissues work together to perform any specific task it is called an organ. An organ system is formed when two or more organs work together to perform a larger task. The mouth, throat, stomach, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder all work together, as the digestive system, to process the food we eat so that our cells can absorb the nutrients and convert it into energy. 

Like this, there are many systems in the body, such as the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestive, immune, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems and they all interact with each other every second of our lives. Without these systems, humans would not be able to grow, maintain life, and reproduce.

Every machine requires fuel to work efficiently, your body being a fully automatic machine runs entirely on minerals and water. As an incredibly powerful solvent in your body, the hydrogen molecules in pure water provide nutrients in the form of energy to your cells and remove discarded, used energy. Without regular replacement of the water in your body, the cells will die, and so will your body. Likewise, without replacing essential trace minerals systematically in the correct, water soluble, ionic form, the cells will malfunction, become weak and fatally diseased.

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium are the five essential or major minerals for your body. Other important trace elements consist of chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, and zinc. Additionally, selenium plays a key role in the maintenance of good health. Other trace elements like sulphur, nickel, cobalt, fluorine, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen also have a part to play in your wellbeing. The human body depends upon 84 of the known 106 elements to maintain optimum health, many more than are now recognized.

Your body can do amazing things if it has the proper fuelo materials. For example, your body can grow, repair and heal itself if you provide it with essential nutrition and proper physical exercise. Vitamins are a major component of essential nutrition. Your body requires certain vitamins to function correctly. Without them, your body simply does not work properly.

Essential Vitamins
Essential vitamins are those that your body needs to get from foods because it is not able to make them on its own. There are 13 vitamins that are considered essential for proper body function. These include the B-vitamins and vitamins A, C, D, E and K. The B vitamins are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate. Each of the essential vitamins is used by your body for different processes and help with different systems, including your immune system, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

Vitamins are best absorbed by the body when they come from whole and natural food sources. Vitamin supplements are helpful but not a good substitute for your childs balanced diet. The USDA recommends a diet centered on fruits and vegetables with whole grains, lean meats and dairy products to serve your childs nutritional needs. Some good sources of Vitamins A through K are: milk, cheese, eggs, whole wheat, oatmeal, spinach, legumes, kale, meat, fish, citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, peaches, cantaloupe and mangoes.

Vitamin K plays an important role to strengthen the bones, avoid blood clotting and prevent hardening of arteries. Dark, leafy vegetables are good source of Vitamin K.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that is believed to protect the brain from damage caused by Alzheimer. It helps you to tackle stress better and also protects you from common cold. A glass of Orange juice, citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwifruit, papaya, broccoli, dark leafy greens and strawberries will provide you Vitamin C.

The antioxidant Vitamin E fights free radicals and reduces risk of heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer. Daily intake of nuts and seeds such as almonds and sunflower seeds will provide you Vitamin E.   

Potassium helps to maintain blood pressure. It also helps reduce your risk of stroke. Beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, dried fruits, winter squash, cantaloupe, kiwi, orange juice, prune juice and avocados are good sources of Potassium. 

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