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10 Sources of indoor air pollution

Monday, January 27, 2014

10 Sources of indoor air pollution - Who says air pollution can only come from the street? Turns pollution can be found in the house. Consider the sources of air pollution inside the home more as reported by the following Care2.
  • Cleaning products are responsible for 10 percent of the source dispersers of toxins in the home.
  • Detergents and fabric softeners can also be toxic, so choose your washing products correctly.
  • In addition to cleaning, room fresheners also includes one of the sources of air pollution inside the home.
  • Wall paint and glue in the house contains several harmful chemicals and toxic.
  • Vehicle heating in the room was a big wrong decision, because the smoke could get into the house and creates pollution.
  • Cigarette smoke and the residue was including toxins and pollution sources. Should create a rule that nobody is allowed smoking in the house.
  • Several creams and lotions contain harmful materials that cause pollution.
  • Carpets with certain materials also thought to contain chemicals harmful to health
  • The use of candles should be limited, because the burning and smoke produced, including sources of pollution in the home.
  • Pillows and sheets can be very dusty and polluted, so do not be lazy to change and wash them regularly.
So many sources of indoor air pollution. Make sure you do not let the various sources of pollution poisoning the family members constantly.

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