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Eggless Strawberry Pudding

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pudding goes always for eggs, but my todays post is completely an eggless, gelatin free, agar agar free pudding. You may think then how i made this pudding. Ok let me say what i used for making this eggless strawberry pudding, i used the humble vanilla flavoured custard powder for making this pudding. Seriously this pudding is one of the easiest, very delicious, fruity and an excellent light dessert after a heavy meal. Actually i used frozen strawberries for making this pudding coz its not strawberry season here.Since i freezed earlier some super fresh sweet strawberries, they are really handy now to make this kind of quick and easy desserts whenever i crave for some strawberry desserts.

This is my second post for this weeks blogging marathon under the theme Cooking with fruits, Srivalli gave a list of fruits for us to choose and cook from the list. I chosed berries and cooked with strawberries.After a Bengali sweet with strawberries i prepared this fantastic pudding with some frozen strawberries, we just enjoyed thoroughly this eggless chilled strawberry pudding after our Sunday lunch.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#34.If you want to make this pudding with chocolates,just go for chocolate powder or melted chocolate.

2cups Milk
1/2cup Heavy cream
1/2cup Sugar
1/2cup Thick strawberry puree
2tbsp Custard powder
Few chocolate swirls or powder

Mix 1/2cup of milk to the custard powder and keep aside.

Take the heavy cream,remaining milk,sugar and thick strawberry puree.

Bring everything together boil and put of the flame to simmer.

Add in the already prepared custard powder and mix well until they get thickens.

Pour this strawberry custard pudding to this ramekins or small bowls.

Let it cool completely.

Arrange in fridge for atleast two hours.

Serve it topped with chocolate swirls or dust with chocolate powder.

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