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Identify Asthma Attack in Children

Monday, February 10, 2014

Identify Asthma Attack in Children

Asthma is a chronic disease / chronic that has yet to be cured completely, with respect to that cause allergic reactions.

However, with proper treatment, asthma attack can be controlled so that it does not interfere with daily activities, and even expected to occur rarely or not at all asthma attacks.


  • Frequent coughing, especially at night, on the move / play
  • Long cough / chronic
  • Rapid breathing
  • Full or chest tightness
  • Wheezing (wheezing) which is the breath that sounds like a whistle sound.
  • Heaving chest when breathing excessively, indicating difficulty breathing.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sometimes there are complaints of chest pain
  • Difficulty sleeping at night because of shortness of breath
  • Physical activity / play / exercise is limited due to shortness of breath
  • Shortness of breath and fatigue due to lack of sleep at night

Causes and Risk Factors

  • Genetics / heredity
  • Respiratory infections as infants / toddlers
  • Exposure to environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, air pollution
  • Allergic to dust, pets, pollen, fungi.
  • Physical activity can trigger asthma
  • Climate change, especially in the cold

Some factors that increase the likelihood of asthma:

  • Exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Previous allergic reactions, including skin allergies, food allergies, nasal allergies.
  • Who has a family history of asthma, nasal allergies, urticaria, eczema (skin allergy)
  • Living in cities with high air pollution
  • Obesity / overweight
  • Low birth weight (<2.5 kg)
  • Infection of the lungs (pneumonia), sinus
  • Gastroesophageal lux disease (GERD)

The diagnosis of asthma is made with: history and description of symptoms of asthma attack, physical examination, pulmonary function tests (spirometry or peak flow metri), other tests to rule out other diagnoses. Allergic skin tests can be performed to determine the cause of the allergy, which sometimes also be a cause of asthma.

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