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Overweight No Excess of Nutrition

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Overweight No Excess of Nutrition - Because thin people is synonymous with malnutrition, many people think that obesity means the excess of nutrients. In fact, obesity is included in the category of malnutrition.

Overweight or obese is caused by excess of calories, because the are in excess of fat and sugar. So, the vitamin is less. That is why the overweight is include to malnutrition. said Dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, in the ceremony of announcement of winner in The + Project that handle by philips in Jakarta.

Overweight, in spite of genetic factor, but accord to Fiastuti, this is more caused by environment factor. "Usually because of eating pattern in high fat and lifestyle," said the lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

According to the data "Riskesdas" The Ministry of Health, 2010, current population of overweight people in Indonesia reached 10 percent and reached 11.7 percent obese.

Fiastuti explain, this time, eating have been moved to lifestyle. Now the peoples eat not because of hungry only, but also in others moment." she said.

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