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Drinking anti depression medication while pregnant harm the baby

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Drinking anti-depression medication while pregnant harm the baby - Pregnant women are prone to depression should be wary before taking anti-depression medication. One study found that taking anti-depression drugs are quite popular during pregnancy can increase the risk of children born with heart defects.

Professor Stephen Pilling explains that women who take antidepressants during pregnancy early risk of having a child with a heart defect until doubled.

So far, scientists and doctors believe that eating oat anti-depression during pregnancy will not be a problem for the fetus in the womb. But Pilling said that it should be changed and straightened again.

"Mothers should be aware that they are causing more than doubled the risk (if taking anti-depression medication). I do not think that in most cases, the risk is worth taking," said Pilling, as reported by the BBC.

Pilling explains that the babys risk of having heart problems at birth are two of the 100 births. Meanwhile, when the mother taking anti-depression medication, this risk increased to four out of 100 births. Pilling suggested that pregnant women who are depressed and do not rush taking anti-depression medication.

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