19 Hour Food Network Running Diary The Whole Thing and Various Conclusions
Thursday, May 22, 2014
This piece first appeared in 2009. Happy New Year!
This past Wednesday, I watched an entire broadcast day of the Food Network and blogged about it. Then I slept for 67 straight hours.
The experience changed some ways I felt about FN, and reinforced others. For one thing, I always assumed The Powers That Be didn’t pay attention to financial matters, which they clearly do. There weren’t any outrageously expensive dishes all day, and some shows (Throwdown, 30-Minute Meals) made a point of frugality.
On the other hand, I thought FN would give a modicum of time to healthy cooking, and it just wasn’t there. Bobby Flay’s fruit marinades were the closest anyone came to nutritionally-minded meals. Granted, it’s Christmas, which tends to highlight baking and various indulgences, but when Paula Deen chops the only pepper of the day, you know we’re in trouble.
Finally, I thought there would be more 3/4-sleeve sweaters. Turns out, the chefs per long sleeves rolled up. (Except Giada. You can always count on Giada.)
The whole thing is attached below, in chronological order from 9:30am to 5am the next morning. You can see I fell into a coma during Food Network Challenge, but revived just in time for Paula’s Cookie Swap. It’s the important things, you know?
Anyway, here goes. Merry Christmas.
THE SHOW: Nigellas Christmas Kitchen
THE HOST: British cook/woman Id date if I went that way, Nigella Lawson
THE CONCEPT: homemade Christmas gifts
Nigella is sploshing cider vinegar into sugar. I enjoy sploshing. Someday, I hope to splosh my way into college.
Nigellas casual vocabulary is my favorite. Shes making jam, and has described it as "fiery crimson" and "volcanically boiling." This is the stuff that goes with peanut butter, right?
This entire show is candlelit and set to saxophone jazz. I think Food Network is trying to seduce me.
"Let Dad school you with a vertical rotisserie." is a sentence I never hoped to hear, in a commercial or otherwise.
A Nigella haiku:
Oh, metric system
You make baking funny with
your grams and liters
Nigellas cake batter is "perfectly plain, but anything but austere." Husband-Elect just kissed me goodbye and went to work. Are these related somehow?
Unconsidered when planning 19-hour blogging marathon: when do I go to the bathroom?
Her strata is (direct quote): "Like a toasted cheese sandwich, but a celestial one, as if eaten by angels." If heaven is filled with grilled cheese sandwiches, I will feel a lot better about death.
Its not even time for Price is Right, and Nigellas guests are eating Christmas tree cakes and getting sploshed on espresso martinis. I want to go to there.
Were up to fully loaded baked potatoes. Cooked by candlelight, naturally. Ive never been attracted to a potato before today, but somehow, Nigella is making them look sexy. Maybe because she just "splodged" them with sour cream, and now - I swear to god - is "forking them together."
Nigella ends the show scarfing potatoes on a crimson couch by a roaring fire, while angels play smooth jazz in the background. This is a Luther Vandross video.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: nothing too expensive here
HEALTH QUOTIENT: Well let it slide. Its a Christmas show.
VERDICT: 10/10, for sexiness
THE SHOW: Emeril Live!
THE HOST: Emeril Lagasse
THE CONCEPT: The godfather of TV cheffery hosts a cooking show in front of a live audience, says "BAM" a lot. Theres a band, too.
The theme of the show is cheese. I can get behind this.
First tip, from an at-home video segment with a blonde mom: "Never walk away from your pine nuts." Truer words, never spoken. How many times have I set them to toast and sniffed the air three minutes later all like, "Whats burning?"
Were watching a split screen of the blonde mom and Emeril blending a dressing. Its still more interesting than golf.
Speaking of golf, what happens now that Tiger is in the permanent doghouse? I imagine curling will finally have its day as THE sport for people who dont like sudden movements.
Emeril is running a "Say Cheese" recipe contest. Pam from Maryland is a winner, and she reminds me of every nurse or teachers assistant Ive ever met. Pam is using crab in her macaroni and cheese, which "kicks [it] up to notches unknown." NOTCHES UNKNOWN.
Emeril is both a "spoon guy" and a "whisk fan." Can you be both? Is that like rooting for the Yankees and the Mets?
Augh! The vertical rotisserie ad is back so "Dad" can school us some more. I think Ive found my nemesis for the day.
Bathroom dilemma, solved. Thank god for commercials. Did you guys need to know that? Also of note: my computer is resting on a hummus tub so the bottom wont overheat. In Brooklyn, we work with what we have, folks.
Emeril is stirring white-gray crabmeat into a yellow-gray macaroni and cheese mixture. You know that scene in Empire Strikes Back, when Han makes Luke a bed out of TonTon intestines? It looks like that. Which is okay, because sometimes ugly food is the best food. (See: eggplant.)
Re: Emerils accent. Hes from Boston, right? Because it sounds so Brooklyn sometimes, I imagine him selling me knockoff sunglasses on the corner by the Halal Chinese Food place.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #437: take a shot every time you wonder how a food show can pay for a full band. Youll be sploshed inside an hour.
Emeril is making tamales con queso, and keeps asking for "lahwd." I wondered why he would be using the lord in his cooking, until it occurred to me that hes saying "lard."
Another ugly-but-delicious food: ried beans. We can all agree it looks like baby puke, right?
As Emeril rolls his second tamale, I find my mind wandering to faraway places. Like Morocco. Were fez hats just decorative, or did they have a purpose? They dont shade the eyes or protect the head very well, so Im figuring they were invented for aesthetic purposes. In a related story, I think its time for some coffee.
Time for a multiple choice question! What kind of degree does Doc Gibbs have?
A) Funkiness MD
B) A PhD in smoothosity
C) A doctorate in jazz hands
D) Gastroenterology
Holly from Ohio is the next winner of Emerils Say Cheese contest, and she has a very, very red kitchen. Like, all her appliances and countertops are a fiery crimson. Wouldnt that make you angry when youre cooking? Like youre in Hells Kitchen? "Dont TALK TO ME when Im making CHEESECAKE, DAMMIT!"
Can I tell you how much I love it when Emeril adds alcohol to recipes? Everyone in the audience cheers like crazy, as if to say, "WOO! This flan is gonna get us totally sploshed!"
Have you seen the ice cream sandwich bench? Its $950, though if Trading Spaces has taught me anything, you can make it at home with $15.62 and a bedsheet.
Emerils jacket has remained perfectly clean through the entire show, despite making salad, mac and cheese, tamales con queso, and cheesecake. No mess at all. I would look like Pizza the Hut after a day like that.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: a shocking 0
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: good - salad and tamales are pretty cheap
HEALTH QUOTIENT: nada, though points for trying with the salad
VERDICT: 7/10, for gratuitous shots of blending.
THE SHOW: Easy Entertaining
THE HOST: Michael Chiarello
THE CONCEPT: "Formal fare in your formalwear." Clever boy.
So far, this is an onion- and beet-heavy show. Not kid food, apparently. In first grade, either of those words would have thrown me into total gag lex failure.
Coffee procured! Urge to kill ... fading.
Chiarello isnt wearing a 3/4-sleeve sweater, but his pullover sleeves are rolled up to just under the elbow. Does that count?
Currently, hes adding a TON of ground fennel to already fennel-heavy roast. Moderate amounts of fennel are always appreciated, but this looks like its going to taste like a bag of black licorice exploded in your mouth.
Up next: a Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu. I have never heard a finer collection of words. (P.S. Did you know "tiramisu" means "pick me up"? Me neither. Thanks, Mike!)
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #5739: Drink whenever a host claims he/she is "going somewhere," "checking the market out," or "has some errands to run" during the commercial break. We know you need more than four minutes to hit up the orchard, Chiarello.
While I like Michael Chiarello, he suffers a bit from John Kerry Syndrome: you know hes totally great at what he does, but you dont necessarily want to have a beer with him.
He just poured about a cup of red wine into risotto, making it look like brains. Delicious, delicious brains. Again, the ugly/tasty paradox has been proven.
Why dont the Food Network hosts ever wash their own pots and pans? They should have a show made up entirely of Ina Garten and Bobby Flay doing dishes. I guarantee it would be a ratings winner.
End of show. How you know: the wine comes out, and Mike changes into a red t-shirt under a charcoal grey blazer. Very Napa.
VERDICT: 8/10, for Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu and general attractiveness
THE SHOW: Quick Fix Meals
THE HOST: Robin Miller
THE CONCEPT: Week-long dinners for busy families, with Oprah-esque theme song.
Robin is searing some scallops, and she just poured a dang gallon of olive oil into a large skillet. Look, I know olive oil is one of the healthier cooking fats, but 1/4 cup per serving doesnt do anyone any good. (Now getting off my high horse before I hurt myself.)
Robin is having a tough time lifting her skillet. I can relate, having the upper body strength of a fetal chihuahua.
Weve moved on to Mexican fondue, meaning cheese, spinach, artichokes, and salsa melted together. Im still deciding how I feel about this. Also: "take it to a whole new level" should be retired permanently, as should "outside the box."
Once and for all: is cumin pronounced "keeyou-min" or "coo-min"?
Good tip from Robin: make vinaigrettes and dressings in the bottom of the salad bowl, then toss everything afterward.
Chopping montage! In general, wouldnt cooking would be much more awesome if all our chopping was set to Michael Jackson? Here, try it.
Robin blended strawberries and yogurt, and I thought for sure it was going to be a smoothie. But she poured it in a bowl, so now its a soup. If she poured it in a votive glass, would it be a candle?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 (it was full-length)
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: high - nothing was outrageous
HEALTH QUOTIENT: very low - I question serving some of these to kids as dinner
VERDICT: 6/10, for questionable usage of vessels
THE SHOW: Paulas Home Cooking
THE HOST: Paula Deen, yall!
THE CONCEPT: Today, its cookies. But most days, its butter. Just butter.
How you can tell this is an early episode: wrinkles, natural lighting, no cackling, zero appearances by Bobby and Jamie. I miss the cackling, yall.
Analogy time!
Paula Deen is to Fantasy Grandma as George Clooney is to _______.
A) Fantasy Boyfriend
B) Fantasy Shortstop
C) Fantasy Island
Paulas making Gingerbread Men, and "when we come back, Im gonna show you how we bring these little [guys] to life." This is going to involve lightning and tiny brain transplants, isnt it?
Edit - Paula is making gingerbread men AND women. Later, they will create gingerbread babies together, unless they use gingerbread prophylactics.
Gingerbread Michael (Paulas husband) has white chest hair, a mohawk, and appears to be wearing a diaper. How does Real Michael feel about this?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though her blouse has shorter sleeves, yall
HEALTH QUOTIENT: super, super low, yall
VERDICT: 9/10, for gentility, yall
THE SHOW: Everyday Italian
THE HOST: Giada DeLaurentiis
THE CONCEPT: Hot, talented chef makes authentic Italian dishes and funny tasting faces.
Giada starts out with panna cotta, or translated, "theres a cot in my pan."
My Ma is as Irishiest of Irish ladies, but insists on pronouncing Latin and Italian foods as they would be in the native language. This means "mozzarella" is "mooz-a-dell" and "parmesan" is "parrrr-mi-jhan." Giada also does this. Giada is my Ma.
Giada is frying some oysters. When shes done, they will be "sweet and tender, which is how your date will act after he eats them." I assume this means my date will also be breaded and covered in marinara sauce.
Giadas "this is so good" claw: check.
Giadas tasting O-face: check.
Still waiting for first pronunciation of "pan-CHET-tha."
This is the 37 millionth time the Le Cordon Bleu commercial is airing, and its only 12:46. If I hear, "Get your career cooking ... LITERALLY!" one more time, I will literally jump through the TV and broil that guy.
Champagne Risotto with Asparagus is Gs next date night recipe. (P.S. The theme of this show is "Date Night." Now you know.) Served with Chiarellos Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu and Nigellas Espresso Martini, there is a 100% chance you will be pregnant by the end of the night.
I love that PR folks think well enough of CHG to send us offers, but ... uh ... my name is Kristen. Not Christine. And I dont have kids. And I hate mayonnaise. Just sayin.
For dessert, its Raspberry Limoncello Champagne and an Espresso Panna Cotta. Forget plain ol pregnancy. These will get you a Duggar-style reality show on TLC.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 1 (You can always count on Giada.)
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium; risotto is cheaper than you think
VERDICT: 10/10, for much-appreciated gratuitous use of champagne
THE SHOW: 30-Minute Meals
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: A nice woman from Western New York makes a meal in an unmentioned allotment of time.
Rachael is making sausage, and her accent ("sah-sidge") is making me miss my friends in Rochester and Buffalo. (*sniff*) You guys, lean ground chicken breast reminds me of you.
Whenever RR asks us to "eyeball" something, I picture pouring the item (fennel, cloves, oil, etc.) on our actual eyeballs. This is not the intended meaning, I understand, but ... need more coffee.
Were having "ahh-some wanh-ffles" here everybody, but not before we eyeball the molasses.
A haiku for Rachael:
You carry so much
but is that nutmeg ever
a burden too heavy?
Rachael is excellent at remaining upbeat. When youre makin TV, its really, really tough to turn on the cheer when youre not feeling it. But she manages. I dig that.
Toffee Hot Cocoa was just described as "SUPER delicious." Just once, I want a TV chef to say, "You know what? Its a broccoli recipe. It tastes slightly better than burlap, but if we dont get some veggies in our diets, well die."
On a related note, do you ever wonder if RR narrates her everyday movements when shes at home? "Well, Im goin to pick up my toothpaste like this. Awesome! Then Im going to grab my toothbrush like this. Yummo! Now Im gonna bring it up to my mouth, and run it back and forth across my teeth. All right! And we end by spitting the froth into the sink. Big finish!"
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though the sleeves of her regular sweater were rolled up
HEALTH QUOTIENT: negative numbers
VERDICT: 7/10, for too many "yummos
THE SHOW: Baoot Contessa! WOOOO!
THE HOST: the lovely Ina Garten
THE CONCEPT: incredible food served by a woman you want to hang out with ALL THE TIME
Shes making chocolate gelato. For Jeffrey, of course. CURSE YOU, JEFFREY!
Husband-Elect, are you reading this? If so, can we go to Inas kitchen for our honeymoon? I will let you have the Gandalf ice carving if you say yes.
Ina is wearing a black button-down instead of her usual denim one. If youre not a regular viewer, this means nothing to you, but if you are, its a plot twist on par with The Sixth Sense.
Ina is visiting her fishmonger. I like to picture her being personal friends with her various mongers, and at the end of every year, they all have a giant monger party. Where they mong, presumably.
She is now making lobster pot pies. I was taught to appreciate fresh-from-the-animal lobster meat from a very young age, and always hesitate to use it in any recipe. I mean, what if I mess it up? And why would I want to dilute lobster flavor? But Im going with this, Ina. I trust you. Be caul with my heart.
Ina wants us to place pastry dough in the fridge for 30 minutes "to chill and relax." Unmentioned: "to light up some doobage and listen to Steve Miller albums on shuffle."
The lobster pies were just dubbed "rustic." In cooking, is "rustic" a synonym for "messy"? If so, my apartment is very rustic.
Jeffrey is playing a trick on Ina, to make her think he ate all the food. This is cruel and unnecessary. Also, I dont know how to spell "unnecessary."
End of show.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: er ... pretty low
HEALTH QUOTIENT: um ... also low
VERDICT: 10/10. Its Ina, and dissent will not be tolerated.
THE SHOW: Semi-Homemade ... you knew it was coming.
THE HOST: Sandra Lee
THE CONCEPT: 70% store-bought ingredients, 30% fresh ingredients, 100% yarg.
The theme is wisteria. So naturally, the first dish is a Fig and Goat Cheese Quesadilla. Leave your logic at the door, ladies and germs.
Aunt Sandys hair is styled very Farrah Fawcettly. Which brings another question to mind: when I dont wear my hair back when I cook, it gets in the food. (Mmm ... hair chili.) Is this a concern of TV chefs?
"I want to talk to you about making great potato salad without all the work." She is starting with pre-cooked potatoes already seasoned with rosemary and garlic. This is like saying, "The first step is making an awesome cake is to buy an awesome cake."
On microwaving the potatoes: "You didnt have to do any of that peeling, any of that monkey business." I think she just compared potato peeling to sex. I guess both are dirty? And can take a few minutes? And at the end, you get delicious fries?
Sandra is spooning hot apricots on to a delicate cream. You can see the cream itself dissolving as this happens. It looks like, in the following shot, the desserts have been replaced with new ones. I cant say for sure this happened, but I think it happened.
Multiple choice question time! Sandra is currently:
A) Showing us a tablescape with a three-foot, 30+ pound vase of flowers at the center.
B) Showing us ANOTHER new plate of those apricot cream desserts.
C) Showing us the molecular representation of sodium chloride.
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0. It was a lavender blouse.
VERDICT: 5/10, for unexpected attention paid to health and frugality, but also making a potato salad out of a potato salad.
THE SHOW: Boy Meets Grill
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Bobby Flay and a grill in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Bobbys background music sounds like the chillout room at a 90s rave. We have fallen into a K-hole of flavor, everyone.
Unexpected, terrifying glitch with Blogger, seemingly overcome for now. If it craps out 10 hours into the marathon, I will go on a killing spree.
If Bobby wasnt a cook, hed be a ballplayer - probably a journeyman outfielder with a .270 average and 15 or 20 home runs a year. Fans would like him because he shows up early to practice, and managers respect him for his knowledge of the game. Three years after retiring, hed take a job managing Double A, where hed stay until the majors call him up in his mid-50s. After a few years as a hitting coach, hed get the full-time managers job and win the World Series within three years. Hed always have a secret love of mango salsa, but wouldt know why.
Chickpea Polenta, which Mr. Flay is making, is something I would like to eat right now. In my mouth. With my teeth and gums.
Bobby is now mixing figs and red peppers in a delectable-sounding marinade. However, it looks like Buffalo Bills bathtub in Silence of the Lambs. "It puts the marinade on the skin or it gets the hose again."
Random people show up on Bobbys rooftop to eat. If only such deliciousness was waiting at the top of every NYC fire escape, instead of the tar paper and Wire-style Mexican standoffs that are usually there.
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though Bobbys sleeves were rolled up.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium-low; steak is pricey, yo
HEALTH QUOTIENT: medium; points for lots of fresh produce
VERDICT: 8/10, for the creative use of fruit and being able to smell the grill smoke all the way in my apartment.
THE SHOW: Guys Big Bite
THE HOST: Guy Fieri (pronounced "Bob Jones-Smith")
THE CONCEPT: Huge freaking food for giant freaking guys.
The More You Know: Im wearing no makeup, ill-fitting jeans and my beloved hooded sweatshirt, Big Green. If anyone saw me right now, theyd immediately turn to stone.
Props to Guy: he doesnt settle for saying an ingredient "will make this taste great!" He explains why you add certain seasonings and why you cook food a specific way. And he uses way less "Dude! This onion is radical awesome gnarly, bro!" than I thought he would.
Hes explaining why he didnt salt Kalamata Couscous ahead of time: "because I wasnt sure what the olives would bring to it." This is the kind of information I want from a cooking show. From Guy Fieri. Who knew? (Also, it helps that hes making dolma [stuffed grape leaves], one of my all-time favorite foods.)
Im calling it: TV chefs calling pieces of food "bad boys" is officially over. Stuffed grape leaves are delicious, not delinquent.
Return of the rotisserie ad dad! He reminds me of Prince Humperdinck from Princess Bride. Somewhere (Gilder), a village is missing its cowardly noble.
Guys dolmas are "doing time" in the oven. 15 to 20 for assault and grand theft auto, to be specific. Maybe they ARE bad boys.
There is no elegant way to talk, whisk furiously, and sound composed at the same time. Everyones voice rattles like theyre riding a vacuum cleaner.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 - again, the rolled-up sleeve dominates
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium-high, dude
HEALTH QUOTIENT: medium, bro
VERDICT: 9/10, for being unexpectedly pretty great, dudebro
THE SHOW: Tylers Ultimate
THE HOST: Tyler Florence
THE CONCEPT: Tyler shows us how to make a classic dish in the best possible way.
Tyler is kicking the show off by berating a rubber chicken. This is gonna be good.
Ack. He just called all-purpose flour "A.P." (Or, "apey.") How you know when acronyms dont work: when they sound like another, more disgusting word.
"What would life be without bacon?" Tyler asks. A futile existence, my friend. A futile existence indeed.
Tyler is making Coq au Vin, and his lapel mic is picking up the sound of sizzling every time he gets near his Dutch oven. You can hardly hear him above the noise, and its kind of hilarious.
Also of note: Tyler hits food a lot, as in, "Were gonna hit this with Cognac." and "Im gonna hit this with Herbs de Provence." No lie, he just said it like, six times. Food abuse!
"Boom!" is another one hes uttered about 70 different times. Methinks Tyler Florence is actually Guy Fieri, and Guy Fieri was replaced with a lookalike English teacher. Up is down, left is right, people!
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 - rolled up sleeves again.
VERDICT: 7/10 - its been over for a minute, and I barely remember it. There was a rubber chicken, right? (Is that mean? I dont want to be mean. I actually like Tyler a lot.)
THE SHOW: Cooking for Real
THE HOST: Sunny Anderson
THE CONCEPT: Cooking, really. For real. With realness.
Sunnys telling us about her tattoo. True story: in college, I was out with a friend, and came fairly close to getting the Chinese symbol for moon tattooed on my lower back. I decided not to, went home and told my dad about it. His response: "So, let me get this straight. You were about to get a MOON tattoo two inches above your ass?" I have never been tempted by tattoos again.
Fill in the blank time!
"Flauta" is the Spanish word for ______:
A) flute
B) to flout or express disdain
C) flatulence
D) ex-Bills quarterback Doug Flutie
The last three - possibly four - shows have involved tempering/whisking eggs into a hot mixture. Is that intentional? Does Food Network pick really specific themes like that? Today, its tempering eggs. Tomorrow, its grinding coriander. The day after that, its sectioning a lemon on a snowy day if you live in a state ending with the letter "O."
Heh. Its 4:20.
19 hours of straight blogging, and there will be no Ace of Cakes. The lack of Duffness depresses and frightens me. So I will look at this dog making cookies to cheer me up.
Sunny is a very sunny person, yes? If she was named Frowny, this would be an entirely different show.
Shes making Mexican soda! The bodegas in my neighborhood have these, and the colors are insane. Theyre like drinking a B-52s album.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: nada - cute short-sleeved pink top
HEALTH QUOTIENT: very low - flautas were deep fried
VERDICT: 7.5/10, for the fact that I want Mexican food now
THE SHOW: Everyday Italian
THE HOST: Giada DeLaurentiis
THE CONCEPT: This episode, Giads makes easy Italian-style cookies.
Giada just described a "decadent and deliciously adult cookie," meaning the next half hour will see her either making Florentines or directing a porno.
Didnt this woman just have a baby? How does she still look like a tiny Italian hourglass? (*curses the heavens*)
A Giada haiku:
Little big head chef
makes cookie log so pretty
we forget claw hand
We live down the block from a pizza place that sells single slices in individual boxes. Our front stoop has become the garbage pail for the neighborhood kids, all of whom buy one on the way from school to the subway. Short of water guns, how do I solve this problem?
Giada is rolling out dough, and trying to fill the time with words. "Im rolling out the dough. Rolling. Rolling. Uh ... more rolling. Hm. Nice day today, right? How bout them Mets? More rolling."
Giada is hosting a cookie tasting party, and her friends and family are all abnormally hot. This is probably because they usually have asparagus tasting parties.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 1! Finally! I thought I was taking crazy pills.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: high - baking is cheap
HEALTH QUOTIENT: low - its a cookie show, man
VERDICT: 8/10 - for having biscotti that looks like it might actually be very good
THE SHOW: Baoot Contessa
THE HOST: Ina Garten
THE CONCEPT: For this episode, its treats for people and their dogs.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #83892: chug every time a TV chef adds nebulous "flavor," without describing the qualities of said flavor. Ex: "This cupcake could use more flavor." "Potatoes are great when they have flavor." "My socks have a flavor."
Remember, like, four hours ago? When Sandra Lee made potato salad using potato salad? Ina dont play that way. Shes got her Adidas and Kangol on, she has her ghetto blaster turned to 11, and shes cooking those dope spuds from scratch. Word.
Ina has chopped at least three large onions, and is visibly tearing up. Thats no good. I will kill the onion that makes Ina cry. YOUVE BEEN WARNED, ONIONS.
A chocolate sheetcake is in the process of being baked. Normally, this would sound awesome. But I dont know if its good to combine dogs and chocolate in a party setting. Yknow? The pugs have one drink too many, then they start teasing the Boston terrier, and before you know it, all the shih-tzus have poisoned themselves. Party over.
The more I watch this show, the more I think Ina looks like my mom. Maybe this is why I like her so much, and why I keep asking her for money.
Did you know Ina used to work on U.S. nuclear policy in Washington? I think thats why her recipes dont bomb. (HAHAHAHAHA ... sorry.)
Joe Lieberman is a terrible, terrible person. Just sayin.
First the onions made Ina cry. Now shes grilling on the beach, where its clearly windy and freezing. If shes attacked by one of those labradoodles, Im boycotting the Earth.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: umm ... look over there! A shiny thing!
VERDICT: 10/10, for the appearance of the StandMixer. If Baoot Contessa is Cheers, the StandMixer is Norm.
THE SHOW: Down Home with the Neelys
THE HOST: Gina and Pat Neely
THE CONCEPT: A couple you might otherwise like is forced to yell as loudly as possible while making soul food.
Theres a guest! A brother of Pats! And I like him! Hes speaking with his inside voice, is why.
Theyre smoking pork butts in the kitchen. We used to smoke butts in the kitchen in college. Then we smoked too many butts and had to quit. Smoking butts, I mean.
An analogy!
The Neelys are to total deafness as Kate Hudson romantic comedies are to _____.
A) brain damage
B) drooling
C) incontinence
D) all of the above
You know what? Maybe Im looking at Down Home the wrong way. When I cook, its usually alone, and its usually quiet and methodical and relaxing. Others are more gregarious and make it more of a group activity. If thats what the show is aiming for, its doing okay.
Brother Neely is making pulled pork, a secret diet food. By that, I mean: if youre on a diet and find yourself at a barbecue joint, go for the pulled pork. Its usually the lightest of all the meat choices, and you can customize the flavor with various sauces.
Liveblogging health update: nine hours in, my back is starting to get a little twingey. I call it Futon Spine.
Ginas making margaritas. Shes into the tequila. Were about to enter migraine territory.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: barely visible from space
VERDICT: 4/10, for Pats brother and his ponytail.
THE SHOW: Paulas Home Cooking
THE HOST: Paula Deen, yall
THE CONCEPT: This episode, its slow cooking.
BEAR WITNESS! Paula is chopping a vegetable, yall! Im already in contact with Washington and lobbying for a national holiday.
As a New Yorker, I have never had chicken fried steak. But Ive also never had malaria. Is it worth it?
Paula melted half a stick of butter with several cups of grated cheddar cheese, dumped them into the crockpot, and spooned through it wearing an expression I can only describe as total human contentment. She is simultaneously delighting and scaring the crud out of me.
The show has stopped while Paula feeds the mac and cheese to the camera. I LOVE THIS WOMAN.
Limerick time!
There once was a lady named Paula,
"More buttah, yall!" she would holla,
Her restaurant took off-o
And her show was so boff-o
She earned a million and one dolla.
Blueberry Peach Cobbler is distinctly American in a great way. Eating it with Swiss steak and macaroni and cheese is distinctly American a not-so-great way.
Paula says the cobbler requires some "one on one personal time." Between her, Nigella, and Giada, this is the sexiest day of food programming in history.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: infinitesimal
VERDICT: 8/10, for the face. I aspire to make that face someday.
THE SHOW: 30-Minute Meals
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: Dunno. Never heard of it.
How you can tell this is late-period Rachael: much more eye makeup, shorter hair, increased fresh foods, better knife skills, a voice thats clinging to audibility, motions exaggerated to the Nth power.
Rachaels making gorgonzola-stuffed meatballs. If there were more recipes based on meat stuffed with cheese, wed have world peace, a public health option, and money leftover for universal foot massages.
Fun fact: food commercials use women in their 20s to play the mothers of tweens and teenagers. While this is totally possible, it makes it seem like real-life mothers should look much younger than they actually are. Which isnt cool.
Finally, something I can criticize without feeling terrible: Big Top Cupcake is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen. ITS A POINTY CAKE PAN, EVERYBODY.
I stand corrected. Micro Smores is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen.
Rachael makes a good point: always pull the bay leaves out of your food. Who among has not forgotten, and ended up with a mouthful of pointy leaf? (Uh ... anyone?)
End of show
VERDICT: 7/10, for being easily distracted by BigTop Cupcake
Halfway done!
THE SHOW: Food Network Challenge - Edible Ornaments
THE HOST: The guy with the glasses and spiky hair who isnt Guy Fieri
THE CONCEPT: Cakemakers are taking real trees and covering them with edible ornaments
Todays competitors are three New Yorkers and a dude from L.A. whose "mother would cry if [the tree] wasnt pretty enough." Has mom trained him well enough? Will the New Yorkers bring their crowbars? Can everyone make nice flowers? FEEL THE EXCITEMENT.
There is a shocking lack of Carrie Whats-her-face, the terrifying British judge that usually reduces the contestants to weeping piles of mushy goo. Its going to be up to the guy with the glasses and spiky hair who isnt Guy Fieri (TGWTGASHWIGF), and I dont think he has the cojones.
Lisa Simpson is trying to find her way north, and Bart has a faucet stuck to his ... damn, this isnt the right channel.
Food Network brought in the contestants parents and siblings in as special assistants, and there is immediate friction between the Staten Island mother/daughter pair. I hope this doesnt devolve into Jersey Shore-style shenanigans. Theres not enough spray tan in the world.
In New York, theres a childrens behavioral adjustment program commercial that promises to fix your kids bad habits. One part claims it will even "turn your childs attitude around in one minute or less." Imagine the possibilities there. I imagine it will involve threats to send kids to China.
One baker is making garland out of metal tubing and cream puffs. Another is doing it with amber sugar-covered chestnuts. These may end up tasting like roofing material, but they sure look good.
Another baker basically took some lasagna ingredients, spray painted them, and threw them up wherever theyd fit. Im not sayin I could do that, but Im very good at sticking lasagna in trees.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #2893752: If something can go wrong with a Food Challenge ingredient, it will. And it wont be something youd ever expect. "Oh no, my tortilla is too flaky!" "Oh no, my edible silver beads are too roll-ey!" "Oh no, my cream puffs are becoming too moist, which will disconnect them from the adhesive chocolate!"
The Long Island bakers brother is hilariously inept.
Interviewer: What do you like, David?
Brother: Sports and ... uh, sports.
Brother (holding up ornament): Where should I put these?
Baker: Its a Christmas tree, David.
Question for readers: would you want to eat ornaments that have been shoved in a sap-filled Christmas tree? Where squirrels and birds might have lived? I suck on tinsel every now and then, so no judgment.
Staten Island baker is using an edible film paper, which I had no idea existed. I will be licking a lot more random paper now. Yknow, to test it out.
How I know the Husband-Elect is the right guy: he saw me after ten hours of blogging and didnt scream "CRONE!" and run away to Timbuktu.
L.A. guy just told his mom to clean up his mess! Its a shocking parent/child role reversal and its making me uncomfortable. The familial hierarchy exists for a reason, people!
Edible Film Baker is getting reamed by the judges. (A pun! Its a pun!)
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: n/a, unless youre into eating trees
VERDICT: 5/10, for lack of terrifying Carrie judge and bizarre four-level pineapple tree topper that will never leave my nightmares
THE SHOW: Paulas Cookie Swap
THE HOST: Paula Deen
THE CONCEPT: Friends and family of the Deenster are dropping by with their favorite cookie recipes. Jamie and Bobby are here! Finally, yall!
Paula 2009 is SO MUCH MORE GLAM than Paula 2006. Whereas Paula 2006 probably enjoyed bridge and 60 Minutes, Paula 2009 would wear leather pants and tour with the Scissor Sisters.
Time for another multiple choice question! Paula is wearing:
A) a brightly-colored shirt
B) Jimmy Buffet
C) several pomegranates
D) a Polynesian barbecue
Paula 2009 is the kind of grandma youd introduce to all your friends, and then take to a champagne bar/drag club to hang out with ladies with names like Barbara Ghanoush and Honey Crisp. The next day, shed disappear back to Georgia and youd be sad for like, 100 years.
Hee. The lady cooking with Paula now is named Mrs. Susie Butts. In college, I worked making cold calls to hundreds of people with (really real) names like Warren Peace, Homer Simpson, John F. Kennedy, and Mrs. Shitrit.
Also, theyre toasting nuts. Hee. Toasted nuts.
The further we get into this show, the more apparent its become that Paula might be partaking in some Christmas spirits. I wish I could join her, but there are EIGHT HOURS OF BLOGGING LEFT. Eat your heart out, Jerry Lewis.
Seen today: Ina, Giada, Bobby, Tyler, Rachael, lots of Paula
Unseen today: Mario, Ace, Sara, Anne Burrell, Santa Claus, James Bond
Jamie and Bobby sighting! Theyre making ... sand tarts? What the hell are they saying?
How do the Deens have so many family recipes? It seems like every dish has been in their family since the beginning of time. We have one family recipe, and its for wallpaper paste.
If our first child is a boy, were naming him Paul Dean. He will be Southern, super gay, and totally delightful.
Crossover alert! Paulas brought in Bobby from HGTV. Hes teaching her how to wrap cookies all pretty-like, with ribbon and such. History Channel wishes it was this riveting.
Yall, were not done yet! Paulas decking the halls in a tasty way. Or something. Its late, and I just ate two pounds of sesame noodles.
Reader Robyn has an excellent question: "What happened to the lady who won the last Food Network Star?"
Paula is calling her decorator out for bringing store-bought cookies to the swap. The decorator looks mortified, like you just told her she has toilet paper stuck in her teeth.
Michaels here! Hes dressed in a Santa suit to enhance his natural Santa-ness, and even in the jacket, its apparent hes lost significant weight. Paula has too, come to think of it. Anyone know what theyre doing?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: none - but the bird of paradise blouse made up for it
HEALTH QUOTIENT: below absolute zero
VERDICT: 10/10 - insanely entertaining, yall
THE SHOW: Throwdown
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: The Chef of note challenges a renowned Chicken Cacciatore cook to discover whose version is best.
New York City firehouse chef Keith Young is 6-foot-6, and has a Long Island accent thats almost as big. He loves "protectin prah-petty" and "caw-melized onions." I love his bald head.
Do you have a distinctive accent? Does it get worse when youre around your family? Mine does, and Bobbys is too, the longer he hangs out with these New York fiighters.
Chicken cacciatore literally translates into "hunters chicken," or "chicken that you caught with a big gun and then soaked in tomatoes until its bloody-looking."
Big difference between Bobby and Keiths cacciatore: Flay uses red wine, while the fiighter opts for white, figuring it goes better with chicken. I think I have to go with the Iron Chef here, folks. Red wine + tomatoes = party in my mouth, and everyones invited.
Bobby walked into the firehouse to propose the challenge and Keith ate him. It was awful.
Oh, how I jest. Both men are still alive. Their fight will be fought in an arena of food.
But seriously, Keith ate him.
If my ears doth not deceive me, Keith just called his poultry "chicken bosom." Im using that from now on and claiming it as my own. No one will ever know. MUAHAHAHAHA.
Bobbys adding honey to his tomato sauce. Ive never seen that before. Italian grandmamas that read this blog: does this happen?
The fire chief/eree has an incredible handlebar mustache not unlike this Emperor Tamarin.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: none - will the mustache suffice?
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: surprisingly relevant - there was a budgetary aspect to the challenge
HEALTH QUOTIENT: uh - okay, I guess
VERDICT: 7/10, for the mustache
THE SHOW: Throwdown
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Bobbys challenging a priest for the Best Fajita crown. Expect a lot of holy plays on words.
Leos a breakdancing Catholic priest who loves cooking and has a third-degree black belt. He also has many, many religious cooking puns in his back pocket. Bobby is a dead man. And his soul isnt too safe, either.
A haiku about Father Leo:
Awesome ninja priest
preaches peace but will nunchuk
you if provoked, dude.
We have entered Hour 12 of the blogathon. There is a butt-shaped jello mold where my actual butt used to be.
Father Leo is a ham of the highest order. Can I say that? Will I still get into heaven?
Father Leos secret marinade ingredient: "holy water." And he was taught to chop by Mother Theresa. What a cool life, Batman.
Dear Pope Benedict,
Hi there! How are you? So glad you seem to be doing well. I was just wondering - is there a way to incorporate more fajitas into the average mass? I promise I would go more often.
P.S. I understand if you dont want to dignify this with a response.
The bed music sounds like its excerpted from Rocky 16: Rocky Goes to Crate & Barrel.
End of show. Father Leo won, duh.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: fairly high, I guess. Im flustered
VERDICT: 9/10, for avoiding the obvious holy cow jokes
THE SHOW: Dinner Impossible
THE HOST: Robert Irvine
THE CONCEPT: The Chef has to feed 1000 volunteers in Biloxi, Mississippi. He has nine hours.
At the end of the show, theyre giving Brenda keys to her renovated home, which was ruined in Katrina in 2005. Yknow, weve been looking at pictures from the hurricane for three years now, and its still infuriating and sad.
Robert is squaring off/doing a dance of love with the local soul food restaurant owner. If theyre not making out by the end of this, I will eat my own socks.
Does everyone in Mississippi play banjo or blues guitar? Is that a prerequisite to live in the state? On Long Island, you have to know the lyrics to every Bill Joel song.
This show ends in 13 minutes and no ones started cooking yet. Theyre about to have some very angry Habitat for Humanitarians on their hands. And they have hammers.
Ooo - I lied. This is an hour-long show. Irvine is safe ... FOR NOW.
Sweet and sour sauce spill. Back in a minute.
Our brown rug is now a brown rug with red spots. Merry Christmas!
The manufactured drama in this show is freakin killing me. Have they ever not finished in time?
In regard to Bobby Flays repeated Throwdown drubbings, reader Kat writes: "Challenging anyone and everyone to a Throwdown is getting slightly embarrassing, especially when you lose every dang time. Im only trying to protect you, man."
Irvine is hilariously reluctant to yell at his fellow volunteers. Its like watching a pit bull with a Barbie jump rope tied around its muzzle.
Fill in the blank! There is a disturbing amount of food _____:
A) stitting outside without rigeration
B) in close proximity to the ground
C) being prepared by men whose primary talent is sweating
Miss Brenda just got a look at her new home, and shes stunned. The dining room almost knocked her over. What a sweet lady.
End of show.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: pretty high - theyre volunteers
HEALTH QUOTIENT: theyve been working out, so its okay
VERDICT: 6/10, for the lack of yelling.
THE SHOW: Good Eats! Finally!
THE HOST: Alton Brown!
THE CONCEPT: Cooking nerd schools us, is generally pretty great.
Alton is explaining flour, and hes uncomfortably close to the camera. He has 257 eyebrow hairs.
This is brilliant. Altons given us the show recipes ingredients, but hasnt revealed the name of the recipe itself yet. We have to figure it out ourselves. He is the Will Shortz of TV chefs.
Oh! Hes buying a popover pan. Hes making popovers. Im a genius. All hail me.
Have those popover signs been popping up throughout they whole show? They have, havent they? Im not a genius, then. Im merely brilliant.
The popovers are being filled with all kinds of disturbing things - fruit, ice cream, broth, etc. Wheres the butter? Wheres the jam? They are afraid and alone. Unfrozen Caveman Popovers.
We have suddenly jumped to Yorkshire pudding, as defined in the 1500s. We have gone Back to the Future, and Doc Alton Brown is our guide, Marty.
Holy ... the recipe for Yorkshire pudding is almost exactly the same as the recipe for popovers! This show makes everyone smarter. Is there any doubt its the best on Food Network?
How much I wanted to see "Its Complicated" at the beginning of the day: 54%
Number of commercials for "Its Complicated" seen today: approximately 30
How much I want to see "Its Complicated" now: -4%
Alton now preparing a Dutch Pancake, or, as its more commonly known, a Pancake That Pays for its Half of a Date.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: zero - Weird Al Yankovic shirts is Altons perred look
VERDICT: 12/10, for being my TV boyfriend (with apologies to Tim Riggins).
THE SHOW: Oh god ... Unwrapped.
THE HOST: Marc Summers
THE CONCEPT: How boring mass produced food is boringly made.
The Husband-Elect and I have a private joke about this show in that sometimes, we have entire conversations using Marc Summers vocal inflections:
Me: "Hon, can you get me ... a cup of coffee?"
Him: "Would you like ... a little milk?"
Me: "Maybe also ... a paper napkin?"
Him: "Of course, Ill ... be right back."
Alternate names for Unwrapped: The Conveyor Belt Show, People in Hairnets, White Owners/ Non-White Employees, and Drippy Chocolate.
Its a quarter to midnight and Im drinking iced coffee. The hallucinations should start soon. My Christmas tree is already starting to look like a Tim Burton movie.
Unwrapped is profiling organic grocery store Whole Foods, a.k.a. Whole Paycheck, a.k.a. That Place Where I Cant Afford Apples. Theyre trying to "dispel the myth that organic has to cost more." Unmentioned: "sell $40 chicken legs."
Now profiling snackmakers Pirates Booty. Its the same damn conveyor belt with different food on it. You wont fool me, Summers!
End of show.
VERDICT: 2/10, for infuriating me with ... factory line footage.
THE SHOW: Oh no ... the same Throwdown we saw three hours ago.
THE HOST: Still Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Still the Chicken Cacciatore thing.
Oh man. Im gonna need a different angle for this one, fast. What if we made up a song to the tune of Bob Dylans "The Times, They Are A-Changin"?
Come gather round firemen
Wherever you drink
And admit that you left your
dish in the sink.
And accept it that soon
Youll be forced to think
About whose chicken
youre pickin.
So you better start eatin
Cause itll be done in a wink.
For the Throwdown, it is a ... goin down.
Okay, maybe not that.
Its now 12:17, and I dont have a bit for this yet. Unless this running bit that I have no bit is actually the bit. Oh crap. The Le Cordon Bleu commercial again. Have I fallen asleep without knowing it? Is this a nightmare?
Okay. FN is airing repeats (Dinner Impossible, Paulas Cookie Swap, etc.) straight through 4am. SO, Im gonna break for a few hours and continue this then. Thats not cheating, right? I dont think so. Either way, thank god I JUST DRANK A CUP OF COFFEE.
THE SHOW: Tasty Travels
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: Rachael eats her way across the Northeastern seaboard.
This narration is far too chirpy for four oclock in the morning: "For a true Kennebunkport experience, cast your net at Mabels Lobster Claw!" Its only missing a cheerleading pyramid.
I woke up with "Do They Know its Christmas?" in my head. Tonight, thank god its me, INSTEAD OF YOOOOOOOOOU.
Also on TV at 4:07am:
CW: Frasier
ABC: News
CSPAN: An old man complaining
TV Guide Channel: an infomercial for Dermawand, the stick you put on your face.
PBS: An old man complaining
Holy cow! Its a commercial for The Clapper! This has to be at least 15 years old. Is that a cassette player in there?
Back to Rachael, whos eating lobster at the Algonquin. It is, as you might imagine, "ahhhb-so-LUTE-ly dah-LISH-ous."
My heats off. Is my heat always off now?
Rachael is in Portsmouth (literally: "there is port in my mouth"), New Hampshire (literally, "there is a shire in my hamp"). Shes at the Muddy River smokehouse, where men are men and women are also men.
Was that mean? I dont care. Its 4:20 in the morning.
"Locals are enchanted with the cuisine." This phrase is not used in Brooklyn very often. Here, its more like, "Locals will not shiv you over the cuisine."
Next, Rachael goes to Gloucester, the Massachusettsiest of all the Massachusetts-sounding towns in all the world. It is wicked Massachusettsy. Red Sox.
Commercials at 4:24am in the morning:
AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance
Hair transplants
... thats it. Its me and balding old people awake right now.
Were now at Halibut Point restaurant, where Rachael is eating CHOWDAH next to FISHAHMEN. All this trip is missing is a Kennedy.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: I forgot to count. Its cold in here.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium - she mentioned some numeric thingies.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: low - what?
VERDICT: 4:29am
THE SHOW: Howd That Get On My Plate?
THE HOST: Sunny Anderson
THE CONCEPT: Unwrapped, but with fresh food and no ... Marc Summers.
Sunny kicks off the show in an open field. If Martin Scorcese taught me anything, the only people in open fields at 4:32 in the morning are about to be whacked by the mob. Run, Sunny!
Did you know: industrial garlic bulbs are peeled by something called a clove blower. In college, the words "clove blower" had a very different meaning. It usually involved a Phish album.
Food Network is pushing the White House Iron Chef HARD. Do you think Mario and Emeril will accidentally bump tummies on the floor? Like jolly dueling Santas? Because oh, how Id giggle.
In 2001, my job required that I pull into work right about now. New York is always eerily silent this time of the morning, but I did see a guy get jumped from my cab once.
Was that story not riveting enough? My judgment of interesting stories is a little off right now. Im 20 seconds from babbling about the coldness of my nose.
There is a vat of Bloody Mary mix being made on my television. It looks like the scene from Nightmare on Elm Street when the bed eats Johnny Depp. Did you know - and this is not a joke - that he was credited under the name "Oprah Noodlemantra" for his cameo in the sequel? ABSORB THIS KNOWLEDGE, YOUNG PADAWAN.
Sunny is back at the garlic factory. You know how you come home sometimes smelling like work? That must be a genuine work hazard for people who work in a garlic factory.
Now shes standing next to a 5000-pound garlic mountain. There are 5000 vampire jokes just waiting to be made here. Ill be a gentlewoman and let yall handle it.
I can taste garlic in the air in my apartment all of a sudden. This means either this show is really effective, or theres an old pizza stuck in my walls. Both are equally likely.
Sunny is currently wandering through a tremendous warehouse, stacked floor-to-ceiling with barrels of dried garlic. I assuming the Ark of the Covenant is also in there somewhere.
Its roasted garlic hummus now, which has an inherently hilarious texture. You guys dont know what youre missing. But its okay - no worries. You can stay asleep. Thats why Im here.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: zero - Sunny stuck to overalls
HEALTH QUOTIENT: astronomic - garlic is good for you, yall
VERDICT: Who am I? How did I get here?
Folks, 19-1/2 hours later, we are DONE! Its been a trip. Im going to bed. Hasta la pasta.
This past Wednesday, I watched an entire broadcast day of the Food Network and blogged about it. Then I slept for 67 straight hours.
The experience changed some ways I felt about FN, and reinforced others. For one thing, I always assumed The Powers That Be didn’t pay attention to financial matters, which they clearly do. There weren’t any outrageously expensive dishes all day, and some shows (Throwdown, 30-Minute Meals) made a point of frugality.
On the other hand, I thought FN would give a modicum of time to healthy cooking, and it just wasn’t there. Bobby Flay’s fruit marinades were the closest anyone came to nutritionally-minded meals. Granted, it’s Christmas, which tends to highlight baking and various indulgences, but when Paula Deen chops the only pepper of the day, you know we’re in trouble.
Finally, I thought there would be more 3/4-sleeve sweaters. Turns out, the chefs per long sleeves rolled up. (Except Giada. You can always count on Giada.)
The whole thing is attached below, in chronological order from 9:30am to 5am the next morning. You can see I fell into a coma during Food Network Challenge, but revived just in time for Paula’s Cookie Swap. It’s the important things, you know?
Anyway, here goes. Merry Christmas.
THE SHOW: Nigellas Christmas Kitchen
THE HOST: British cook/woman Id date if I went that way, Nigella Lawson
THE CONCEPT: homemade Christmas gifts
Nigella is sploshing cider vinegar into sugar. I enjoy sploshing. Someday, I hope to splosh my way into college.
Nigellas casual vocabulary is my favorite. Shes making jam, and has described it as "fiery crimson" and "volcanically boiling." This is the stuff that goes with peanut butter, right?
This entire show is candlelit and set to saxophone jazz. I think Food Network is trying to seduce me.
"Let Dad school you with a vertical rotisserie." is a sentence I never hoped to hear, in a commercial or otherwise.
A Nigella haiku:
Oh, metric system
You make baking funny with
your grams and liters
Nigellas cake batter is "perfectly plain, but anything but austere." Husband-Elect just kissed me goodbye and went to work. Are these related somehow?
Unconsidered when planning 19-hour blogging marathon: when do I go to the bathroom?
Her strata is (direct quote): "Like a toasted cheese sandwich, but a celestial one, as if eaten by angels." If heaven is filled with grilled cheese sandwiches, I will feel a lot better about death.
Its not even time for Price is Right, and Nigellas guests are eating Christmas tree cakes and getting sploshed on espresso martinis. I want to go to there.
Were up to fully loaded baked potatoes. Cooked by candlelight, naturally. Ive never been attracted to a potato before today, but somehow, Nigella is making them look sexy. Maybe because she just "splodged" them with sour cream, and now - I swear to god - is "forking them together."
Nigella ends the show scarfing potatoes on a crimson couch by a roaring fire, while angels play smooth jazz in the background. This is a Luther Vandross video.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: nothing too expensive here
HEALTH QUOTIENT: Well let it slide. Its a Christmas show.
VERDICT: 10/10, for sexiness
THE SHOW: Emeril Live!
THE HOST: Emeril Lagasse
THE CONCEPT: The godfather of TV cheffery hosts a cooking show in front of a live audience, says "BAM" a lot. Theres a band, too.
The theme of the show is cheese. I can get behind this.
First tip, from an at-home video segment with a blonde mom: "Never walk away from your pine nuts." Truer words, never spoken. How many times have I set them to toast and sniffed the air three minutes later all like, "Whats burning?"
Were watching a split screen of the blonde mom and Emeril blending a dressing. Its still more interesting than golf.
Speaking of golf, what happens now that Tiger is in the permanent doghouse? I imagine curling will finally have its day as THE sport for people who dont like sudden movements.
Emeril is running a "Say Cheese" recipe contest. Pam from Maryland is a winner, and she reminds me of every nurse or teachers assistant Ive ever met. Pam is using crab in her macaroni and cheese, which "kicks [it] up to notches unknown." NOTCHES UNKNOWN.
Emeril is both a "spoon guy" and a "whisk fan." Can you be both? Is that like rooting for the Yankees and the Mets?
Augh! The vertical rotisserie ad is back so "Dad" can school us some more. I think Ive found my nemesis for the day.
Bathroom dilemma, solved. Thank god for commercials. Did you guys need to know that? Also of note: my computer is resting on a hummus tub so the bottom wont overheat. In Brooklyn, we work with what we have, folks.
Emeril is stirring white-gray crabmeat into a yellow-gray macaroni and cheese mixture. You know that scene in Empire Strikes Back, when Han makes Luke a bed out of TonTon intestines? It looks like that. Which is okay, because sometimes ugly food is the best food. (See: eggplant.)
Re: Emerils accent. Hes from Boston, right? Because it sounds so Brooklyn sometimes, I imagine him selling me knockoff sunglasses on the corner by the Halal Chinese Food place.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #437: take a shot every time you wonder how a food show can pay for a full band. Youll be sploshed inside an hour.
Emeril is making tamales con queso, and keeps asking for "lahwd." I wondered why he would be using the lord in his cooking, until it occurred to me that hes saying "lard."
Another ugly-but-delicious food: ried beans. We can all agree it looks like baby puke, right?
As Emeril rolls his second tamale, I find my mind wandering to faraway places. Like Morocco. Were fez hats just decorative, or did they have a purpose? They dont shade the eyes or protect the head very well, so Im figuring they were invented for aesthetic purposes. In a related story, I think its time for some coffee.
Time for a multiple choice question! What kind of degree does Doc Gibbs have?
A) Funkiness MD
B) A PhD in smoothosity
C) A doctorate in jazz hands
D) Gastroenterology
Holly from Ohio is the next winner of Emerils Say Cheese contest, and she has a very, very red kitchen. Like, all her appliances and countertops are a fiery crimson. Wouldnt that make you angry when youre cooking? Like youre in Hells Kitchen? "Dont TALK TO ME when Im making CHEESECAKE, DAMMIT!"
Can I tell you how much I love it when Emeril adds alcohol to recipes? Everyone in the audience cheers like crazy, as if to say, "WOO! This flan is gonna get us totally sploshed!"
Have you seen the ice cream sandwich bench? Its $950, though if Trading Spaces has taught me anything, you can make it at home with $15.62 and a bedsheet.
Emerils jacket has remained perfectly clean through the entire show, despite making salad, mac and cheese, tamales con queso, and cheesecake. No mess at all. I would look like Pizza the Hut after a day like that.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: a shocking 0
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: good - salad and tamales are pretty cheap
HEALTH QUOTIENT: nada, though points for trying with the salad
VERDICT: 7/10, for gratuitous shots of blending.
THE SHOW: Easy Entertaining
THE HOST: Michael Chiarello
THE CONCEPT: "Formal fare in your formalwear." Clever boy.
So far, this is an onion- and beet-heavy show. Not kid food, apparently. In first grade, either of those words would have thrown me into total gag lex failure.
Coffee procured! Urge to kill ... fading.
Chiarello isnt wearing a 3/4-sleeve sweater, but his pullover sleeves are rolled up to just under the elbow. Does that count?
Currently, hes adding a TON of ground fennel to already fennel-heavy roast. Moderate amounts of fennel are always appreciated, but this looks like its going to taste like a bag of black licorice exploded in your mouth.
Up next: a Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu. I have never heard a finer collection of words. (P.S. Did you know "tiramisu" means "pick me up"? Me neither. Thanks, Mike!)
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #5739: Drink whenever a host claims he/she is "going somewhere," "checking the market out," or "has some errands to run" during the commercial break. We know you need more than four minutes to hit up the orchard, Chiarello.
While I like Michael Chiarello, he suffers a bit from John Kerry Syndrome: you know hes totally great at what he does, but you dont necessarily want to have a beer with him.
He just poured about a cup of red wine into risotto, making it look like brains. Delicious, delicious brains. Again, the ugly/tasty paradox has been proven.
Why dont the Food Network hosts ever wash their own pots and pans? They should have a show made up entirely of Ina Garten and Bobby Flay doing dishes. I guarantee it would be a ratings winner.
End of show. How you know: the wine comes out, and Mike changes into a red t-shirt under a charcoal grey blazer. Very Napa.
VERDICT: 8/10, for Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu and general attractiveness
THE SHOW: Quick Fix Meals
THE HOST: Robin Miller
THE CONCEPT: Week-long dinners for busy families, with Oprah-esque theme song.
Robin is searing some scallops, and she just poured a dang gallon of olive oil into a large skillet. Look, I know olive oil is one of the healthier cooking fats, but 1/4 cup per serving doesnt do anyone any good. (Now getting off my high horse before I hurt myself.)
Robin is having a tough time lifting her skillet. I can relate, having the upper body strength of a fetal chihuahua.
Weve moved on to Mexican fondue, meaning cheese, spinach, artichokes, and salsa melted together. Im still deciding how I feel about this. Also: "take it to a whole new level" should be retired permanently, as should "outside the box."
Once and for all: is cumin pronounced "keeyou-min" or "coo-min"?
Good tip from Robin: make vinaigrettes and dressings in the bottom of the salad bowl, then toss everything afterward.
Chopping montage! In general, wouldnt cooking would be much more awesome if all our chopping was set to Michael Jackson? Here, try it.
Robin blended strawberries and yogurt, and I thought for sure it was going to be a smoothie. But she poured it in a bowl, so now its a soup. If she poured it in a votive glass, would it be a candle?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 (it was full-length)
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: high - nothing was outrageous
HEALTH QUOTIENT: very low - I question serving some of these to kids as dinner
VERDICT: 6/10, for questionable usage of vessels
THE SHOW: Paulas Home Cooking
THE HOST: Paula Deen, yall!
THE CONCEPT: Today, its cookies. But most days, its butter. Just butter.
How you can tell this is an early episode: wrinkles, natural lighting, no cackling, zero appearances by Bobby and Jamie. I miss the cackling, yall.
Analogy time!
Paula Deen is to Fantasy Grandma as George Clooney is to _______.
A) Fantasy Boyfriend
B) Fantasy Shortstop
C) Fantasy Island
Paulas making Gingerbread Men, and "when we come back, Im gonna show you how we bring these little [guys] to life." This is going to involve lightning and tiny brain transplants, isnt it?
Edit - Paula is making gingerbread men AND women. Later, they will create gingerbread babies together, unless they use gingerbread prophylactics.
Gingerbread Michael (Paulas husband) has white chest hair, a mohawk, and appears to be wearing a diaper. How does Real Michael feel about this?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though her blouse has shorter sleeves, yall
HEALTH QUOTIENT: super, super low, yall
VERDICT: 9/10, for gentility, yall
THE SHOW: Everyday Italian
THE HOST: Giada DeLaurentiis
THE CONCEPT: Hot, talented chef makes authentic Italian dishes and funny tasting faces.
Giada starts out with panna cotta, or translated, "theres a cot in my pan."
My Ma is as Irishiest of Irish ladies, but insists on pronouncing Latin and Italian foods as they would be in the native language. This means "mozzarella" is "mooz-a-dell" and "parmesan" is "parrrr-mi-jhan." Giada also does this. Giada is my Ma.
Giada is frying some oysters. When shes done, they will be "sweet and tender, which is how your date will act after he eats them." I assume this means my date will also be breaded and covered in marinara sauce.
Giadas "this is so good" claw: check.
Giadas tasting O-face: check.
Still waiting for first pronunciation of "pan-CHET-tha."
This is the 37 millionth time the Le Cordon Bleu commercial is airing, and its only 12:46. If I hear, "Get your career cooking ... LITERALLY!" one more time, I will literally jump through the TV and broil that guy.
Champagne Risotto with Asparagus is Gs next date night recipe. (P.S. The theme of this show is "Date Night." Now you know.) Served with Chiarellos Peppermint Chocolate Tiramisu and Nigellas Espresso Martini, there is a 100% chance you will be pregnant by the end of the night.
I love that PR folks think well enough of CHG to send us offers, but ... uh ... my name is Kristen. Not Christine. And I dont have kids. And I hate mayonnaise. Just sayin.
For dessert, its Raspberry Limoncello Champagne and an Espresso Panna Cotta. Forget plain ol pregnancy. These will get you a Duggar-style reality show on TLC.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 1 (You can always count on Giada.)
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium; risotto is cheaper than you think
VERDICT: 10/10, for much-appreciated gratuitous use of champagne
THE SHOW: 30-Minute Meals
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: A nice woman from Western New York makes a meal in an unmentioned allotment of time.
Rachael is making sausage, and her accent ("sah-sidge") is making me miss my friends in Rochester and Buffalo. (*sniff*) You guys, lean ground chicken breast reminds me of you.
Whenever RR asks us to "eyeball" something, I picture pouring the item (fennel, cloves, oil, etc.) on our actual eyeballs. This is not the intended meaning, I understand, but ... need more coffee.
Were having "ahh-some wanh-ffles" here everybody, but not before we eyeball the molasses.
A haiku for Rachael:
You carry so much
but is that nutmeg ever
a burden too heavy?
Rachael is excellent at remaining upbeat. When youre makin TV, its really, really tough to turn on the cheer when youre not feeling it. But she manages. I dig that.
Toffee Hot Cocoa was just described as "SUPER delicious." Just once, I want a TV chef to say, "You know what? Its a broccoli recipe. It tastes slightly better than burlap, but if we dont get some veggies in our diets, well die."
On a related note, do you ever wonder if RR narrates her everyday movements when shes at home? "Well, Im goin to pick up my toothpaste like this. Awesome! Then Im going to grab my toothbrush like this. Yummo! Now Im gonna bring it up to my mouth, and run it back and forth across my teeth. All right! And we end by spitting the froth into the sink. Big finish!"
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though the sleeves of her regular sweater were rolled up
HEALTH QUOTIENT: negative numbers
VERDICT: 7/10, for too many "yummos
THE SHOW: Baoot Contessa! WOOOO!
THE HOST: the lovely Ina Garten
THE CONCEPT: incredible food served by a woman you want to hang out with ALL THE TIME
Shes making chocolate gelato. For Jeffrey, of course. CURSE YOU, JEFFREY!
Husband-Elect, are you reading this? If so, can we go to Inas kitchen for our honeymoon? I will let you have the Gandalf ice carving if you say yes.
Ina is wearing a black button-down instead of her usual denim one. If youre not a regular viewer, this means nothing to you, but if you are, its a plot twist on par with The Sixth Sense.
Ina is visiting her fishmonger. I like to picture her being personal friends with her various mongers, and at the end of every year, they all have a giant monger party. Where they mong, presumably.
She is now making lobster pot pies. I was taught to appreciate fresh-from-the-animal lobster meat from a very young age, and always hesitate to use it in any recipe. I mean, what if I mess it up? And why would I want to dilute lobster flavor? But Im going with this, Ina. I trust you. Be caul with my heart.
Ina wants us to place pastry dough in the fridge for 30 minutes "to chill and relax." Unmentioned: "to light up some doobage and listen to Steve Miller albums on shuffle."
The lobster pies were just dubbed "rustic." In cooking, is "rustic" a synonym for "messy"? If so, my apartment is very rustic.
Jeffrey is playing a trick on Ina, to make her think he ate all the food. This is cruel and unnecessary. Also, I dont know how to spell "unnecessary."
End of show.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: er ... pretty low
HEALTH QUOTIENT: um ... also low
VERDICT: 10/10. Its Ina, and dissent will not be tolerated.
THE SHOW: Semi-Homemade ... you knew it was coming.
THE HOST: Sandra Lee
THE CONCEPT: 70% store-bought ingredients, 30% fresh ingredients, 100% yarg.
The theme is wisteria. So naturally, the first dish is a Fig and Goat Cheese Quesadilla. Leave your logic at the door, ladies and germs.
Aunt Sandys hair is styled very Farrah Fawcettly. Which brings another question to mind: when I dont wear my hair back when I cook, it gets in the food. (Mmm ... hair chili.) Is this a concern of TV chefs?
"I want to talk to you about making great potato salad without all the work." She is starting with pre-cooked potatoes already seasoned with rosemary and garlic. This is like saying, "The first step is making an awesome cake is to buy an awesome cake."
On microwaving the potatoes: "You didnt have to do any of that peeling, any of that monkey business." I think she just compared potato peeling to sex. I guess both are dirty? And can take a few minutes? And at the end, you get delicious fries?
Sandra is spooning hot apricots on to a delicate cream. You can see the cream itself dissolving as this happens. It looks like, in the following shot, the desserts have been replaced with new ones. I cant say for sure this happened, but I think it happened.
Multiple choice question time! Sandra is currently:
A) Showing us a tablescape with a three-foot, 30+ pound vase of flowers at the center.
B) Showing us ANOTHER new plate of those apricot cream desserts.
C) Showing us the molecular representation of sodium chloride.
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0. It was a lavender blouse.
VERDICT: 5/10, for unexpected attention paid to health and frugality, but also making a potato salad out of a potato salad.
THE SHOW: Boy Meets Grill
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Bobby Flay and a grill in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Bobbys background music sounds like the chillout room at a 90s rave. We have fallen into a K-hole of flavor, everyone.
Unexpected, terrifying glitch with Blogger, seemingly overcome for now. If it craps out 10 hours into the marathon, I will go on a killing spree.
If Bobby wasnt a cook, hed be a ballplayer - probably a journeyman outfielder with a .270 average and 15 or 20 home runs a year. Fans would like him because he shows up early to practice, and managers respect him for his knowledge of the game. Three years after retiring, hed take a job managing Double A, where hed stay until the majors call him up in his mid-50s. After a few years as a hitting coach, hed get the full-time managers job and win the World Series within three years. Hed always have a secret love of mango salsa, but wouldt know why.
Chickpea Polenta, which Mr. Flay is making, is something I would like to eat right now. In my mouth. With my teeth and gums.
Bobby is now mixing figs and red peppers in a delectable-sounding marinade. However, it looks like Buffalo Bills bathtub in Silence of the Lambs. "It puts the marinade on the skin or it gets the hose again."
Random people show up on Bobbys rooftop to eat. If only such deliciousness was waiting at the top of every NYC fire escape, instead of the tar paper and Wire-style Mexican standoffs that are usually there.
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0, though Bobbys sleeves were rolled up.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium-low; steak is pricey, yo
HEALTH QUOTIENT: medium; points for lots of fresh produce
VERDICT: 8/10, for the creative use of fruit and being able to smell the grill smoke all the way in my apartment.
THE SHOW: Guys Big Bite
THE HOST: Guy Fieri (pronounced "Bob Jones-Smith")
THE CONCEPT: Huge freaking food for giant freaking guys.
The More You Know: Im wearing no makeup, ill-fitting jeans and my beloved hooded sweatshirt, Big Green. If anyone saw me right now, theyd immediately turn to stone.
Props to Guy: he doesnt settle for saying an ingredient "will make this taste great!" He explains why you add certain seasonings and why you cook food a specific way. And he uses way less "Dude! This onion is radical awesome gnarly, bro!" than I thought he would.
Hes explaining why he didnt salt Kalamata Couscous ahead of time: "because I wasnt sure what the olives would bring to it." This is the kind of information I want from a cooking show. From Guy Fieri. Who knew? (Also, it helps that hes making dolma [stuffed grape leaves], one of my all-time favorite foods.)
Im calling it: TV chefs calling pieces of food "bad boys" is officially over. Stuffed grape leaves are delicious, not delinquent.
Return of the rotisserie ad dad! He reminds me of Prince Humperdinck from Princess Bride. Somewhere (Gilder), a village is missing its cowardly noble.
Guys dolmas are "doing time" in the oven. 15 to 20 for assault and grand theft auto, to be specific. Maybe they ARE bad boys.
There is no elegant way to talk, whisk furiously, and sound composed at the same time. Everyones voice rattles like theyre riding a vacuum cleaner.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 - again, the rolled-up sleeve dominates
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium-high, dude
HEALTH QUOTIENT: medium, bro
VERDICT: 9/10, for being unexpectedly pretty great, dudebro
THE SHOW: Tylers Ultimate
THE HOST: Tyler Florence
THE CONCEPT: Tyler shows us how to make a classic dish in the best possible way.
Tyler is kicking the show off by berating a rubber chicken. This is gonna be good.
Ack. He just called all-purpose flour "A.P." (Or, "apey.") How you know when acronyms dont work: when they sound like another, more disgusting word.
"What would life be without bacon?" Tyler asks. A futile existence, my friend. A futile existence indeed.
Tyler is making Coq au Vin, and his lapel mic is picking up the sound of sizzling every time he gets near his Dutch oven. You can hardly hear him above the noise, and its kind of hilarious.
Also of note: Tyler hits food a lot, as in, "Were gonna hit this with Cognac." and "Im gonna hit this with Herbs de Provence." No lie, he just said it like, six times. Food abuse!
"Boom!" is another one hes uttered about 70 different times. Methinks Tyler Florence is actually Guy Fieri, and Guy Fieri was replaced with a lookalike English teacher. Up is down, left is right, people!
End of show
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 0 - rolled up sleeves again.
VERDICT: 7/10 - its been over for a minute, and I barely remember it. There was a rubber chicken, right? (Is that mean? I dont want to be mean. I actually like Tyler a lot.)
THE SHOW: Cooking for Real
THE HOST: Sunny Anderson
THE CONCEPT: Cooking, really. For real. With realness.
Sunnys telling us about her tattoo. True story: in college, I was out with a friend, and came fairly close to getting the Chinese symbol for moon tattooed on my lower back. I decided not to, went home and told my dad about it. His response: "So, let me get this straight. You were about to get a MOON tattoo two inches above your ass?" I have never been tempted by tattoos again.
Fill in the blank time!
"Flauta" is the Spanish word for ______:
A) flute
B) to flout or express disdain
C) flatulence
D) ex-Bills quarterback Doug Flutie
The last three - possibly four - shows have involved tempering/whisking eggs into a hot mixture. Is that intentional? Does Food Network pick really specific themes like that? Today, its tempering eggs. Tomorrow, its grinding coriander. The day after that, its sectioning a lemon on a snowy day if you live in a state ending with the letter "O."
Heh. Its 4:20.
19 hours of straight blogging, and there will be no Ace of Cakes. The lack of Duffness depresses and frightens me. So I will look at this dog making cookies to cheer me up.
Sunny is a very sunny person, yes? If she was named Frowny, this would be an entirely different show.
Shes making Mexican soda! The bodegas in my neighborhood have these, and the colors are insane. Theyre like drinking a B-52s album.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: nada - cute short-sleeved pink top
HEALTH QUOTIENT: very low - flautas were deep fried
VERDICT: 7.5/10, for the fact that I want Mexican food now
THE SHOW: Everyday Italian
THE HOST: Giada DeLaurentiis
THE CONCEPT: This episode, Giads makes easy Italian-style cookies.
Giada just described a "decadent and deliciously adult cookie," meaning the next half hour will see her either making Florentines or directing a porno.
Didnt this woman just have a baby? How does she still look like a tiny Italian hourglass? (*curses the heavens*)
A Giada haiku:
Little big head chef
makes cookie log so pretty
we forget claw hand
We live down the block from a pizza place that sells single slices in individual boxes. Our front stoop has become the garbage pail for the neighborhood kids, all of whom buy one on the way from school to the subway. Short of water guns, how do I solve this problem?
Giada is rolling out dough, and trying to fill the time with words. "Im rolling out the dough. Rolling. Rolling. Uh ... more rolling. Hm. Nice day today, right? How bout them Mets? More rolling."
Giada is hosting a cookie tasting party, and her friends and family are all abnormally hot. This is probably because they usually have asparagus tasting parties.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: 1! Finally! I thought I was taking crazy pills.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: high - baking is cheap
HEALTH QUOTIENT: low - its a cookie show, man
VERDICT: 8/10 - for having biscotti that looks like it might actually be very good
THE SHOW: Baoot Contessa
THE HOST: Ina Garten
THE CONCEPT: For this episode, its treats for people and their dogs.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #83892: chug every time a TV chef adds nebulous "flavor," without describing the qualities of said flavor. Ex: "This cupcake could use more flavor." "Potatoes are great when they have flavor." "My socks have a flavor."
Remember, like, four hours ago? When Sandra Lee made potato salad using potato salad? Ina dont play that way. Shes got her Adidas and Kangol on, she has her ghetto blaster turned to 11, and shes cooking those dope spuds from scratch. Word.
Ina has chopped at least three large onions, and is visibly tearing up. Thats no good. I will kill the onion that makes Ina cry. YOUVE BEEN WARNED, ONIONS.
A chocolate sheetcake is in the process of being baked. Normally, this would sound awesome. But I dont know if its good to combine dogs and chocolate in a party setting. Yknow? The pugs have one drink too many, then they start teasing the Boston terrier, and before you know it, all the shih-tzus have poisoned themselves. Party over.
The more I watch this show, the more I think Ina looks like my mom. Maybe this is why I like her so much, and why I keep asking her for money.
Did you know Ina used to work on U.S. nuclear policy in Washington? I think thats why her recipes dont bomb. (HAHAHAHAHA ... sorry.)
Joe Lieberman is a terrible, terrible person. Just sayin.
First the onions made Ina cry. Now shes grilling on the beach, where its clearly windy and freezing. If shes attacked by one of those labradoodles, Im boycotting the Earth.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: umm ... look over there! A shiny thing!
VERDICT: 10/10, for the appearance of the StandMixer. If Baoot Contessa is Cheers, the StandMixer is Norm.
THE SHOW: Down Home with the Neelys
THE HOST: Gina and Pat Neely
THE CONCEPT: A couple you might otherwise like is forced to yell as loudly as possible while making soul food.
Theres a guest! A brother of Pats! And I like him! Hes speaking with his inside voice, is why.
Theyre smoking pork butts in the kitchen. We used to smoke butts in the kitchen in college. Then we smoked too many butts and had to quit. Smoking butts, I mean.
An analogy!
The Neelys are to total deafness as Kate Hudson romantic comedies are to _____.
A) brain damage
B) drooling
C) incontinence
D) all of the above
You know what? Maybe Im looking at Down Home the wrong way. When I cook, its usually alone, and its usually quiet and methodical and relaxing. Others are more gregarious and make it more of a group activity. If thats what the show is aiming for, its doing okay.
Brother Neely is making pulled pork, a secret diet food. By that, I mean: if youre on a diet and find yourself at a barbecue joint, go for the pulled pork. Its usually the lightest of all the meat choices, and you can customize the flavor with various sauces.
Liveblogging health update: nine hours in, my back is starting to get a little twingey. I call it Futon Spine.
Ginas making margaritas. Shes into the tequila. Were about to enter migraine territory.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: barely visible from space
VERDICT: 4/10, for Pats brother and his ponytail.
THE SHOW: Paulas Home Cooking
THE HOST: Paula Deen, yall
THE CONCEPT: This episode, its slow cooking.
BEAR WITNESS! Paula is chopping a vegetable, yall! Im already in contact with Washington and lobbying for a national holiday.
As a New Yorker, I have never had chicken fried steak. But Ive also never had malaria. Is it worth it?
Paula melted half a stick of butter with several cups of grated cheddar cheese, dumped them into the crockpot, and spooned through it wearing an expression I can only describe as total human contentment. She is simultaneously delighting and scaring the crud out of me.
The show has stopped while Paula feeds the mac and cheese to the camera. I LOVE THIS WOMAN.
Limerick time!
There once was a lady named Paula,
"More buttah, yall!" she would holla,
Her restaurant took off-o
And her show was so boff-o
She earned a million and one dolla.
Blueberry Peach Cobbler is distinctly American in a great way. Eating it with Swiss steak and macaroni and cheese is distinctly American a not-so-great way.
Paula says the cobbler requires some "one on one personal time." Between her, Nigella, and Giada, this is the sexiest day of food programming in history.
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: infinitesimal
VERDICT: 8/10, for the face. I aspire to make that face someday.
THE SHOW: 30-Minute Meals
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: Dunno. Never heard of it.
How you can tell this is late-period Rachael: much more eye makeup, shorter hair, increased fresh foods, better knife skills, a voice thats clinging to audibility, motions exaggerated to the Nth power.
Rachaels making gorgonzola-stuffed meatballs. If there were more recipes based on meat stuffed with cheese, wed have world peace, a public health option, and money leftover for universal foot massages.
Fun fact: food commercials use women in their 20s to play the mothers of tweens and teenagers. While this is totally possible, it makes it seem like real-life mothers should look much younger than they actually are. Which isnt cool.
Finally, something I can criticize without feeling terrible: Big Top Cupcake is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen. ITS A POINTY CAKE PAN, EVERYBODY.
I stand corrected. Micro Smores is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen.
Rachael makes a good point: always pull the bay leaves out of your food. Who among has not forgotten, and ended up with a mouthful of pointy leaf? (Uh ... anyone?)
End of show
VERDICT: 7/10, for being easily distracted by BigTop Cupcake
Halfway done!
THE SHOW: Food Network Challenge - Edible Ornaments
THE HOST: The guy with the glasses and spiky hair who isnt Guy Fieri
THE CONCEPT: Cakemakers are taking real trees and covering them with edible ornaments
Todays competitors are three New Yorkers and a dude from L.A. whose "mother would cry if [the tree] wasnt pretty enough." Has mom trained him well enough? Will the New Yorkers bring their crowbars? Can everyone make nice flowers? FEEL THE EXCITEMENT.
There is a shocking lack of Carrie Whats-her-face, the terrifying British judge that usually reduces the contestants to weeping piles of mushy goo. Its going to be up to the guy with the glasses and spiky hair who isnt Guy Fieri (TGWTGASHWIGF), and I dont think he has the cojones.
Lisa Simpson is trying to find her way north, and Bart has a faucet stuck to his ... damn, this isnt the right channel.
Food Network brought in the contestants parents and siblings in as special assistants, and there is immediate friction between the Staten Island mother/daughter pair. I hope this doesnt devolve into Jersey Shore-style shenanigans. Theres not enough spray tan in the world.
In New York, theres a childrens behavioral adjustment program commercial that promises to fix your kids bad habits. One part claims it will even "turn your childs attitude around in one minute or less." Imagine the possibilities there. I imagine it will involve threats to send kids to China.
One baker is making garland out of metal tubing and cream puffs. Another is doing it with amber sugar-covered chestnuts. These may end up tasting like roofing material, but they sure look good.
Another baker basically took some lasagna ingredients, spray painted them, and threw them up wherever theyd fit. Im not sayin I could do that, but Im very good at sticking lasagna in trees.
Food Network Drinking Game, Rule #2893752: If something can go wrong with a Food Challenge ingredient, it will. And it wont be something youd ever expect. "Oh no, my tortilla is too flaky!" "Oh no, my edible silver beads are too roll-ey!" "Oh no, my cream puffs are becoming too moist, which will disconnect them from the adhesive chocolate!"
The Long Island bakers brother is hilariously inept.
Interviewer: What do you like, David?
Brother: Sports and ... uh, sports.
Brother (holding up ornament): Where should I put these?
Baker: Its a Christmas tree, David.
Question for readers: would you want to eat ornaments that have been shoved in a sap-filled Christmas tree? Where squirrels and birds might have lived? I suck on tinsel every now and then, so no judgment.
Staten Island baker is using an edible film paper, which I had no idea existed. I will be licking a lot more random paper now. Yknow, to test it out.
How I know the Husband-Elect is the right guy: he saw me after ten hours of blogging and didnt scream "CRONE!" and run away to Timbuktu.
L.A. guy just told his mom to clean up his mess! Its a shocking parent/child role reversal and its making me uncomfortable. The familial hierarchy exists for a reason, people!
Edible Film Baker is getting reamed by the judges. (A pun! Its a pun!)
End of show.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: n/a, unless youre into eating trees
VERDICT: 5/10, for lack of terrifying Carrie judge and bizarre four-level pineapple tree topper that will never leave my nightmares
THE SHOW: Paulas Cookie Swap
THE HOST: Paula Deen
THE CONCEPT: Friends and family of the Deenster are dropping by with their favorite cookie recipes. Jamie and Bobby are here! Finally, yall!
Paula 2009 is SO MUCH MORE GLAM than Paula 2006. Whereas Paula 2006 probably enjoyed bridge and 60 Minutes, Paula 2009 would wear leather pants and tour with the Scissor Sisters.
Time for another multiple choice question! Paula is wearing:
A) a brightly-colored shirt
B) Jimmy Buffet
C) several pomegranates
D) a Polynesian barbecue
Paula 2009 is the kind of grandma youd introduce to all your friends, and then take to a champagne bar/drag club to hang out with ladies with names like Barbara Ghanoush and Honey Crisp. The next day, shed disappear back to Georgia and youd be sad for like, 100 years.
Hee. The lady cooking with Paula now is named Mrs. Susie Butts. In college, I worked making cold calls to hundreds of people with (really real) names like Warren Peace, Homer Simpson, John F. Kennedy, and Mrs. Shitrit.
Also, theyre toasting nuts. Hee. Toasted nuts.
The further we get into this show, the more apparent its become that Paula might be partaking in some Christmas spirits. I wish I could join her, but there are EIGHT HOURS OF BLOGGING LEFT. Eat your heart out, Jerry Lewis.
Seen today: Ina, Giada, Bobby, Tyler, Rachael, lots of Paula
Unseen today: Mario, Ace, Sara, Anne Burrell, Santa Claus, James Bond
Jamie and Bobby sighting! Theyre making ... sand tarts? What the hell are they saying?
How do the Deens have so many family recipes? It seems like every dish has been in their family since the beginning of time. We have one family recipe, and its for wallpaper paste.
If our first child is a boy, were naming him Paul Dean. He will be Southern, super gay, and totally delightful.
Crossover alert! Paulas brought in Bobby from HGTV. Hes teaching her how to wrap cookies all pretty-like, with ribbon and such. History Channel wishes it was this riveting.
Yall, were not done yet! Paulas decking the halls in a tasty way. Or something. Its late, and I just ate two pounds of sesame noodles.
Reader Robyn has an excellent question: "What happened to the lady who won the last Food Network Star?"
Paula is calling her decorator out for bringing store-bought cookies to the swap. The decorator looks mortified, like you just told her she has toilet paper stuck in her teeth.
Michaels here! Hes dressed in a Santa suit to enhance his natural Santa-ness, and even in the jacket, its apparent hes lost significant weight. Paula has too, come to think of it. Anyone know what theyre doing?
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: none - but the bird of paradise blouse made up for it
HEALTH QUOTIENT: below absolute zero
VERDICT: 10/10 - insanely entertaining, yall
THE SHOW: Throwdown
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: The Chef of note challenges a renowned Chicken Cacciatore cook to discover whose version is best.
New York City firehouse chef Keith Young is 6-foot-6, and has a Long Island accent thats almost as big. He loves "protectin prah-petty" and "caw-melized onions." I love his bald head.
Do you have a distinctive accent? Does it get worse when youre around your family? Mine does, and Bobbys is too, the longer he hangs out with these New York fiighters.
Chicken cacciatore literally translates into "hunters chicken," or "chicken that you caught with a big gun and then soaked in tomatoes until its bloody-looking."
Big difference between Bobby and Keiths cacciatore: Flay uses red wine, while the fiighter opts for white, figuring it goes better with chicken. I think I have to go with the Iron Chef here, folks. Red wine + tomatoes = party in my mouth, and everyones invited.
Bobby walked into the firehouse to propose the challenge and Keith ate him. It was awful.
Oh, how I jest. Both men are still alive. Their fight will be fought in an arena of food.
But seriously, Keith ate him.
If my ears doth not deceive me, Keith just called his poultry "chicken bosom." Im using that from now on and claiming it as my own. No one will ever know. MUAHAHAHAHA.
Bobbys adding honey to his tomato sauce. Ive never seen that before. Italian grandmamas that read this blog: does this happen?
The fire chief/eree has an incredible handlebar mustache not unlike this Emperor Tamarin.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: none - will the mustache suffice?
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: surprisingly relevant - there was a budgetary aspect to the challenge
HEALTH QUOTIENT: uh - okay, I guess
VERDICT: 7/10, for the mustache
THE SHOW: Throwdown
THE HOST: Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Bobbys challenging a priest for the Best Fajita crown. Expect a lot of holy plays on words.
Leos a breakdancing Catholic priest who loves cooking and has a third-degree black belt. He also has many, many religious cooking puns in his back pocket. Bobby is a dead man. And his soul isnt too safe, either.
A haiku about Father Leo:
Awesome ninja priest
preaches peace but will nunchuk
you if provoked, dude.
We have entered Hour 12 of the blogathon. There is a butt-shaped jello mold where my actual butt used to be.
Father Leo is a ham of the highest order. Can I say that? Will I still get into heaven?
Father Leos secret marinade ingredient: "holy water." And he was taught to chop by Mother Theresa. What a cool life, Batman.
Dear Pope Benedict,
Hi there! How are you? So glad you seem to be doing well. I was just wondering - is there a way to incorporate more fajitas into the average mass? I promise I would go more often.
P.S. I understand if you dont want to dignify this with a response.
The bed music sounds like its excerpted from Rocky 16: Rocky Goes to Crate & Barrel.
End of show. Father Leo won, duh.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: fairly high, I guess. Im flustered
VERDICT: 9/10, for avoiding the obvious holy cow jokes
THE SHOW: Dinner Impossible
THE HOST: Robert Irvine
THE CONCEPT: The Chef has to feed 1000 volunteers in Biloxi, Mississippi. He has nine hours.
At the end of the show, theyre giving Brenda keys to her renovated home, which was ruined in Katrina in 2005. Yknow, weve been looking at pictures from the hurricane for three years now, and its still infuriating and sad.
Robert is squaring off/doing a dance of love with the local soul food restaurant owner. If theyre not making out by the end of this, I will eat my own socks.
Does everyone in Mississippi play banjo or blues guitar? Is that a prerequisite to live in the state? On Long Island, you have to know the lyrics to every Bill Joel song.
This show ends in 13 minutes and no ones started cooking yet. Theyre about to have some very angry Habitat for Humanitarians on their hands. And they have hammers.
Ooo - I lied. This is an hour-long show. Irvine is safe ... FOR NOW.
Sweet and sour sauce spill. Back in a minute.
Our brown rug is now a brown rug with red spots. Merry Christmas!
The manufactured drama in this show is freakin killing me. Have they ever not finished in time?
In regard to Bobby Flays repeated Throwdown drubbings, reader Kat writes: "Challenging anyone and everyone to a Throwdown is getting slightly embarrassing, especially when you lose every dang time. Im only trying to protect you, man."
Irvine is hilariously reluctant to yell at his fellow volunteers. Its like watching a pit bull with a Barbie jump rope tied around its muzzle.
Fill in the blank! There is a disturbing amount of food _____:
A) stitting outside without rigeration
B) in close proximity to the ground
C) being prepared by men whose primary talent is sweating
Miss Brenda just got a look at her new home, and shes stunned. The dining room almost knocked her over. What a sweet lady.
End of show.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: pretty high - theyre volunteers
HEALTH QUOTIENT: theyve been working out, so its okay
VERDICT: 6/10, for the lack of yelling.
THE SHOW: Good Eats! Finally!
THE HOST: Alton Brown!
THE CONCEPT: Cooking nerd schools us, is generally pretty great.
Alton is explaining flour, and hes uncomfortably close to the camera. He has 257 eyebrow hairs.
This is brilliant. Altons given us the show recipes ingredients, but hasnt revealed the name of the recipe itself yet. We have to figure it out ourselves. He is the Will Shortz of TV chefs.
Oh! Hes buying a popover pan. Hes making popovers. Im a genius. All hail me.
Have those popover signs been popping up throughout they whole show? They have, havent they? Im not a genius, then. Im merely brilliant.
The popovers are being filled with all kinds of disturbing things - fruit, ice cream, broth, etc. Wheres the butter? Wheres the jam? They are afraid and alone. Unfrozen Caveman Popovers.
We have suddenly jumped to Yorkshire pudding, as defined in the 1500s. We have gone Back to the Future, and Doc Alton Brown is our guide, Marty.
Holy ... the recipe for Yorkshire pudding is almost exactly the same as the recipe for popovers! This show makes everyone smarter. Is there any doubt its the best on Food Network?
How much I wanted to see "Its Complicated" at the beginning of the day: 54%
Number of commercials for "Its Complicated" seen today: approximately 30
How much I want to see "Its Complicated" now: -4%
Alton now preparing a Dutch Pancake, or, as its more commonly known, a Pancake That Pays for its Half of a Date.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: zero - Weird Al Yankovic shirts is Altons perred look
VERDICT: 12/10, for being my TV boyfriend (with apologies to Tim Riggins).
THE SHOW: Oh god ... Unwrapped.
THE HOST: Marc Summers
THE CONCEPT: How boring mass produced food is boringly made.
The Husband-Elect and I have a private joke about this show in that sometimes, we have entire conversations using Marc Summers vocal inflections:
Me: "Hon, can you get me ... a cup of coffee?"
Him: "Would you like ... a little milk?"
Me: "Maybe also ... a paper napkin?"
Him: "Of course, Ill ... be right back."
Alternate names for Unwrapped: The Conveyor Belt Show, People in Hairnets, White Owners/ Non-White Employees, and Drippy Chocolate.
Its a quarter to midnight and Im drinking iced coffee. The hallucinations should start soon. My Christmas tree is already starting to look like a Tim Burton movie.
Unwrapped is profiling organic grocery store Whole Foods, a.k.a. Whole Paycheck, a.k.a. That Place Where I Cant Afford Apples. Theyre trying to "dispel the myth that organic has to cost more." Unmentioned: "sell $40 chicken legs."
Now profiling snackmakers Pirates Booty. Its the same damn conveyor belt with different food on it. You wont fool me, Summers!
End of show.
VERDICT: 2/10, for infuriating me with ... factory line footage.
THE SHOW: Oh no ... the same Throwdown we saw three hours ago.
THE HOST: Still Bobby Flay
THE CONCEPT: Still the Chicken Cacciatore thing.
Oh man. Im gonna need a different angle for this one, fast. What if we made up a song to the tune of Bob Dylans "The Times, They Are A-Changin"?
Come gather round firemen
Wherever you drink
And admit that you left your
dish in the sink.
And accept it that soon
Youll be forced to think
About whose chicken
youre pickin.
So you better start eatin
Cause itll be done in a wink.
For the Throwdown, it is a ... goin down.
Okay, maybe not that.
Its now 12:17, and I dont have a bit for this yet. Unless this running bit that I have no bit is actually the bit. Oh crap. The Le Cordon Bleu commercial again. Have I fallen asleep without knowing it? Is this a nightmare?
Okay. FN is airing repeats (Dinner Impossible, Paulas Cookie Swap, etc.) straight through 4am. SO, Im gonna break for a few hours and continue this then. Thats not cheating, right? I dont think so. Either way, thank god I JUST DRANK A CUP OF COFFEE.
THE SHOW: Tasty Travels
THE HOST: Rachael Ray
THE CONCEPT: Rachael eats her way across the Northeastern seaboard.
This narration is far too chirpy for four oclock in the morning: "For a true Kennebunkport experience, cast your net at Mabels Lobster Claw!" Its only missing a cheerleading pyramid.
I woke up with "Do They Know its Christmas?" in my head. Tonight, thank god its me, INSTEAD OF YOOOOOOOOOU.
Also on TV at 4:07am:
CW: Frasier
ABC: News
CSPAN: An old man complaining
TV Guide Channel: an infomercial for Dermawand, the stick you put on your face.
PBS: An old man complaining
Holy cow! Its a commercial for The Clapper! This has to be at least 15 years old. Is that a cassette player in there?
Back to Rachael, whos eating lobster at the Algonquin. It is, as you might imagine, "ahhhb-so-LUTE-ly dah-LISH-ous."
My heats off. Is my heat always off now?
Rachael is in Portsmouth (literally: "there is port in my mouth"), New Hampshire (literally, "there is a shire in my hamp"). Shes at the Muddy River smokehouse, where men are men and women are also men.
Was that mean? I dont care. Its 4:20 in the morning.
"Locals are enchanted with the cuisine." This phrase is not used in Brooklyn very often. Here, its more like, "Locals will not shiv you over the cuisine."
Next, Rachael goes to Gloucester, the Massachusettsiest of all the Massachusetts-sounding towns in all the world. It is wicked Massachusettsy. Red Sox.
Commercials at 4:24am in the morning:
AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance
Hair transplants
... thats it. Its me and balding old people awake right now.
Were now at Halibut Point restaurant, where Rachael is eating CHOWDAH next to FISHAHMEN. All this trip is missing is a Kennedy.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: I forgot to count. Its cold in here.
FRUGALITY QUOTIENT: medium - she mentioned some numeric thingies.
HEALTH QUOTIENT: low - what?
VERDICT: 4:29am
THE SHOW: Howd That Get On My Plate?
THE HOST: Sunny Anderson
THE CONCEPT: Unwrapped, but with fresh food and no ... Marc Summers.
Sunny kicks off the show in an open field. If Martin Scorcese taught me anything, the only people in open fields at 4:32 in the morning are about to be whacked by the mob. Run, Sunny!
Did you know: industrial garlic bulbs are peeled by something called a clove blower. In college, the words "clove blower" had a very different meaning. It usually involved a Phish album.
Food Network is pushing the White House Iron Chef HARD. Do you think Mario and Emeril will accidentally bump tummies on the floor? Like jolly dueling Santas? Because oh, how Id giggle.
In 2001, my job required that I pull into work right about now. New York is always eerily silent this time of the morning, but I did see a guy get jumped from my cab once.
Was that story not riveting enough? My judgment of interesting stories is a little off right now. Im 20 seconds from babbling about the coldness of my nose.
There is a vat of Bloody Mary mix being made on my television. It looks like the scene from Nightmare on Elm Street when the bed eats Johnny Depp. Did you know - and this is not a joke - that he was credited under the name "Oprah Noodlemantra" for his cameo in the sequel? ABSORB THIS KNOWLEDGE, YOUNG PADAWAN.
Sunny is back at the garlic factory. You know how you come home sometimes smelling like work? That must be a genuine work hazard for people who work in a garlic factory.
Now shes standing next to a 5000-pound garlic mountain. There are 5000 vampire jokes just waiting to be made here. Ill be a gentlewoman and let yall handle it.
I can taste garlic in the air in my apartment all of a sudden. This means either this show is really effective, or theres an old pizza stuck in my walls. Both are equally likely.
Sunny is currently wandering through a tremendous warehouse, stacked floor-to-ceiling with barrels of dried garlic. I assuming the Ark of the Covenant is also in there somewhere.
Its roasted garlic hummus now, which has an inherently hilarious texture. You guys dont know what youre missing. But its okay - no worries. You can stay asleep. Thats why Im here.
End of show.
3/4-SLEEVE SWEATERS: zero - Sunny stuck to overalls
HEALTH QUOTIENT: astronomic - garlic is good for you, yall
VERDICT: Who am I? How did I get here?
Folks, 19-1/2 hours later, we are DONE! Its been a trip. Im going to bed. Hasta la pasta.

Do Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Save Lives
If you read my last post about cholesterol-lowering drugs, then you understand some of the problems that can arise from their use. Statins can produce some nasty side effects. But side effects aside, statins save lives right? I mean, doctors prescribe them to just about everyone, they must be effective. Not quite... the story is not as simple as it may seem.
When looking at the statin drug clinical trials, its important to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, and most importantly... total mortality is more important than heart disease mortality. If a drug prevents you from dying of heart disease but doesnt affect your chances of dying in general, then that drug is not worth taking. Whats most important is whether or not the drug will extend your life. Secondly, you must consider that different groups of people may respond differently to the drug. Women, middle-aged men, the elderly, and those with preexisting heart disease may all respond differently to treatment.
Id like to begin by talking about women... both because I like women, and because they dont respond well to statins. Although many statin studies notoriously neglect to reveal the all-cause death data for women, there are a few studies that do. Check out the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survivial Study (4S), which was one of the most positive trials to date. The big pharma folks must have been partying it up when this one came out. This was a secondary prevention trial, meaning that participants all had pre-existing heart disease (previous heart attack or angina). For future erence, a primary prevention trial would be an experiment in which the participants did not have pre-existing heart disease. So, half of them took simvastatin and half of them took a placebo. The results were great across the board: heart attack numbers were reduced, along with deaths from heart disease and all-cause mortality. But there was one group that clearly didnt benefit: women. Over the duration of the 5.4 years of the trial, 27 (6.6%) of the women taking the statin died, while only 25 (6%) of the women taking the placebo died. So despite the rest of the data, which was very supportive of statins, there was actually a slight increased risk of death in women from taking the statin. As youll soon see, this finding is consistent throughout all of the statin trials, yet it is completely ignored by mainstream medicine. These drugs simply dont work for women.
Now, men are a bit of a different story. Its important to split men up into two distinct groups: those with diagnosed heart disease (previous heart attack or angina), and those without diagnosed heart disease. In those without heart disease, statins appear to be largely ineffective. Both the University of British Columbia and Dr. Graham Jackson in the UK have published review articles looking at many of the primary prevention statin trials. These were both reviews of the existing research, and they did not pick and choose studies that would support one side or the other. Heres a key statistic from the UBC paper: "71 primary prevention patients with cardiovascular risk factors have to be treated with a statin for 3 to 5 years to prevent one myocardial infarction or stroke." And heres one from Dr. Jacksons study: "Long term use of statins for primary prevention of heart disease produced a 1% greater risk of death over ten years versus placebo when the result of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 were combined." Although both studies showed reduction of cardiovascular deaths in those taking statins, overall deaths were either the same or higher. Oh, and they also found zero effect on cardiovascular deaths in women. Sounds like statins arent so effective in those without pre-existing heart disease.
And Ive got more. In 2005, a study called ASCOT-LLA, which studied Lipitor on high blood pressure patients, was stopped early due to the supposed "massive" reduction in cardiovascular deaths experienced by the Lipitor group. The researchers considered the benefits so great that it was unethical to continue to deprive the placebo group of proper treatment. This study is considered to be one of those landmark trials that proved once and for all the life-saving benefits of statins. Well, lets look at the data... youll have to click to enlarge it.

In that first set of data, Id like to draw your attention to the "all-cause mortality" graph in the bottom right. See that vertical line there that Ive drawn in? Thats a little trick I learned from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick in his book The Great Cholesterol Con. The reason that line is drawn in there is because the trial ended at 3.3 years. The graphs, however, show data until 3.5 years. If you look closely at the graph, at 3.3 years there is almost no difference between the Lipitor group and the control group, but for the last 0.2 years of the study, the two lines begin to suddenly separate. WTF mate? How does one acquire data for a study after the study has ended? Something seems fishy to me... tampering of evidence perhaps? No way to know for sure, but I can say with certainty that there was no reason to shut down this study early. Theres virtually no difference in the all-cause mortality data. Oh, and that second graph... thats showing the effectiveness of Lipitor on cardiovascular mortality (note: NOT all-cause mortality). Notice women in this trial had an increased risk of dying from heart disease on the drug.
To sum up the statin drug data, heres a convenient table copied again from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick:

You can see here that the 4S trial, which I discussed earlier, was overall very supportive of statin use. This trial was purely a secondary prevention trial. And I must admit that statins do appear to save lives in men with previous heart disease. But that is the ONLY group for which they save lives. Purely primary prevention trials, like EXCEL, actually showed in increase in all-cause death on statins. And then there are trials like WOSCOPS, which was a mix of primary and secondary prevention, and those trials typically yield results somewhere in the middle of the extremes. Even in the most positive statin data for those with pre-existing heart disease, however, the results are really underwhelming. You would think that with all the hype surrounding these supposed "life-saving" drugs, the data would be a little stronger. Even if you do have pre-existing heart disease, and are a man, you can only expect about a 3% reduction in the chance of dying over the next several years. That is just unimpressive to me.
So despite the relentless pushing of these drugs by big pharmaceutical companies, mainstream doctors, and my Anatomy and Physiology professor, caul examination of the data shows a surprising lack of evidence to support their use. Statins decrease the risk of dying of heart disease; thats good. But they dont decrease the risk of dying overall in the majority of the population; thats bad. So then, if heart disease deaths are decreasing but overall deaths are not, statins must be increasing the risk that youll die of something other than heart disease. Im even going to go as far as to say that they cause these non-cardiovascular-related deaths. Unfortunately, most studies fail to specify exactly what these non-cardiovascular deaths are, but take a look at my previous post for an idea. If youre a woman, statins wont even reduce your risk for heart disease, and they actually increase your risk of dying overall. The only population for which statins can save lives is men with pre-existing heart disease, which is less than 5% of the population. If youre one of those people, take your statin if youre so inclined. But if youre anyone else, especially a woman, you are barking up the wrong tree.
When looking at the statin drug clinical trials, its important to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, and most importantly... total mortality is more important than heart disease mortality. If a drug prevents you from dying of heart disease but doesnt affect your chances of dying in general, then that drug is not worth taking. Whats most important is whether or not the drug will extend your life. Secondly, you must consider that different groups of people may respond differently to the drug. Women, middle-aged men, the elderly, and those with preexisting heart disease may all respond differently to treatment.
Id like to begin by talking about women... both because I like women, and because they dont respond well to statins. Although many statin studies notoriously neglect to reveal the all-cause death data for women, there are a few studies that do. Check out the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survivial Study (4S), which was one of the most positive trials to date. The big pharma folks must have been partying it up when this one came out. This was a secondary prevention trial, meaning that participants all had pre-existing heart disease (previous heart attack or angina). For future erence, a primary prevention trial would be an experiment in which the participants did not have pre-existing heart disease. So, half of them took simvastatin and half of them took a placebo. The results were great across the board: heart attack numbers were reduced, along with deaths from heart disease and all-cause mortality. But there was one group that clearly didnt benefit: women. Over the duration of the 5.4 years of the trial, 27 (6.6%) of the women taking the statin died, while only 25 (6%) of the women taking the placebo died. So despite the rest of the data, which was very supportive of statins, there was actually a slight increased risk of death in women from taking the statin. As youll soon see, this finding is consistent throughout all of the statin trials, yet it is completely ignored by mainstream medicine. These drugs simply dont work for women.
Now, men are a bit of a different story. Its important to split men up into two distinct groups: those with diagnosed heart disease (previous heart attack or angina), and those without diagnosed heart disease. In those without heart disease, statins appear to be largely ineffective. Both the University of British Columbia and Dr. Graham Jackson in the UK have published review articles looking at many of the primary prevention statin trials. These were both reviews of the existing research, and they did not pick and choose studies that would support one side or the other. Heres a key statistic from the UBC paper: "71 primary prevention patients with cardiovascular risk factors have to be treated with a statin for 3 to 5 years to prevent one myocardial infarction or stroke." And heres one from Dr. Jacksons study: "Long term use of statins for primary prevention of heart disease produced a 1% greater risk of death over ten years versus placebo when the result of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 were combined." Although both studies showed reduction of cardiovascular deaths in those taking statins, overall deaths were either the same or higher. Oh, and they also found zero effect on cardiovascular deaths in women. Sounds like statins arent so effective in those without pre-existing heart disease.
And Ive got more. In 2005, a study called ASCOT-LLA, which studied Lipitor on high blood pressure patients, was stopped early due to the supposed "massive" reduction in cardiovascular deaths experienced by the Lipitor group. The researchers considered the benefits so great that it was unethical to continue to deprive the placebo group of proper treatment. This study is considered to be one of those landmark trials that proved once and for all the life-saving benefits of statins. Well, lets look at the data... youll have to click to enlarge it.

In that first set of data, Id like to draw your attention to the "all-cause mortality" graph in the bottom right. See that vertical line there that Ive drawn in? Thats a little trick I learned from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick in his book The Great Cholesterol Con. The reason that line is drawn in there is because the trial ended at 3.3 years. The graphs, however, show data until 3.5 years. If you look closely at the graph, at 3.3 years there is almost no difference between the Lipitor group and the control group, but for the last 0.2 years of the study, the two lines begin to suddenly separate. WTF mate? How does one acquire data for a study after the study has ended? Something seems fishy to me... tampering of evidence perhaps? No way to know for sure, but I can say with certainty that there was no reason to shut down this study early. Theres virtually no difference in the all-cause mortality data. Oh, and that second graph... thats showing the effectiveness of Lipitor on cardiovascular mortality (note: NOT all-cause mortality). Notice women in this trial had an increased risk of dying from heart disease on the drug.
To sum up the statin drug data, heres a convenient table copied again from Dr. Malcolm Kendrick:

You can see here that the 4S trial, which I discussed earlier, was overall very supportive of statin use. This trial was purely a secondary prevention trial. And I must admit that statins do appear to save lives in men with previous heart disease. But that is the ONLY group for which they save lives. Purely primary prevention trials, like EXCEL, actually showed in increase in all-cause death on statins. And then there are trials like WOSCOPS, which was a mix of primary and secondary prevention, and those trials typically yield results somewhere in the middle of the extremes. Even in the most positive statin data for those with pre-existing heart disease, however, the results are really underwhelming. You would think that with all the hype surrounding these supposed "life-saving" drugs, the data would be a little stronger. Even if you do have pre-existing heart disease, and are a man, you can only expect about a 3% reduction in the chance of dying over the next several years. That is just unimpressive to me.
So despite the relentless pushing of these drugs by big pharmaceutical companies, mainstream doctors, and my Anatomy and Physiology professor, caul examination of the data shows a surprising lack of evidence to support their use. Statins decrease the risk of dying of heart disease; thats good. But they dont decrease the risk of dying overall in the majority of the population; thats bad. So then, if heart disease deaths are decreasing but overall deaths are not, statins must be increasing the risk that youll die of something other than heart disease. Im even going to go as far as to say that they cause these non-cardiovascular-related deaths. Unfortunately, most studies fail to specify exactly what these non-cardiovascular deaths are, but take a look at my previous post for an idea. If youre a woman, statins wont even reduce your risk for heart disease, and they actually increase your risk of dying overall. The only population for which statins can save lives is men with pre-existing heart disease, which is less than 5% of the population. If youre one of those people, take your statin if youre so inclined. But if youre anyone else, especially a woman, you are barking up the wrong tree.


Made this Egg Free French Toast for our breakfast today using pandan (screw pine leaves) flavored bread, which was perfect.
My family was super impressed, cant really tell that it was eggless. We loved it! I served them with brown sugar and banana slices. Actually the syrup was a left over from my Monkey Bread, diluted with few spoons of milk.
For other variation, you can add besan (chickpea flour) instead of cornflour and seasoned with ground black pepper and chopped cilantro for a savory version.
To obtain a nice golden color, use low medium heat when frying the toast. If you are allergic to dairy product, replace it with almond or soy milk instead.
Yield : 1 serving
3 slices white/wholemeal bread
1/2 cup fresh milk
1.5 tablespoon cornflour
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
pinch of salt
3 tsp butter
Combine milk, corn flour, sugar, cinnamon and salt in shallow bowl, whisk until smooth.
Dip both sides of each bread slice into milk mixture.
Heat a non stick pan, melt a teaspoon of butter, place bread on heated pan, cook each slice to a golden brown.
Serve with your favorite fruit or syrup.

Trouble sleeping at night This is why!
Trouble sleeping at night? This is why! - There are many reasons that make someone difficult to sleep at night. One of them is related to a medical condition. If you are one of those who often have trouble sleeping at night, here are medical reasons that affect these conditions, as reported by the Daily Mail.
1. Muscle cramps
Causes of muscle cramps in the calves, thighs or legs at night is not known, but they may be triggered by certain drugs, such as statins. One American study found that 20 per cent increased risk of muscle problems, including cramps, occur in those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.
2. Nocturnal Asthma
Asthma that occurs at night is called nocturnal asthma. More than five million Britons suffer from asthma, some of whom had asthma only at night. The problem is, lay it can make mucus to accumulate in the airways and create pressure on the lungs.
3. Heart condition
If you wake up gasping for breath after a few hours of sleep at night, this could be a sign there is a problem with your heart. Immediately consult your complaint with your doctor to find the right treatment.
4. Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder in which you stop breathing repeatedly during the night, causing you to have to wake up from your deep sleep, and is characterized by loud snoring habits. Lose weight, quit smoking, and drinking water before bed can help you.
5. Backache
Back pain can make you into a restless sleep. You need to replace your mattress every eight to ten years.
6. Gastric acid
Acid lux into the esophagus can make you restless sleep. This condition mainly affects people who have excess fat around the abdomen.
7. Infection
If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel dizzy, you may be suffering from benign positional vertigo. It mainly affects women over the age of 50. Sleep on your back with two pillows can help as it can stabilize the position of your head.
8. Drug
Some medications can interfere with your sleep at night, including drugs for high blood pressure and flu, which often contain caffeine.
9. Hormone
Insomnia can also be caused by low levels of the hormone. In women, estrogen levels are very important to maintain the body temperature. However, the level of this hormone will decrease before or during the menstrual period, or during menopause.
There are nine reasons why you feel hard to sleep at night. Do not ignore your bodys complaints given and immediately consult a doctor.
1. Muscle cramps
Causes of muscle cramps in the calves, thighs or legs at night is not known, but they may be triggered by certain drugs, such as statins. One American study found that 20 per cent increased risk of muscle problems, including cramps, occur in those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.
2. Nocturnal Asthma
Asthma that occurs at night is called nocturnal asthma. More than five million Britons suffer from asthma, some of whom had asthma only at night. The problem is, lay it can make mucus to accumulate in the airways and create pressure on the lungs.
3. Heart condition
If you wake up gasping for breath after a few hours of sleep at night, this could be a sign there is a problem with your heart. Immediately consult your complaint with your doctor to find the right treatment.
4. Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder in which you stop breathing repeatedly during the night, causing you to have to wake up from your deep sleep, and is characterized by loud snoring habits. Lose weight, quit smoking, and drinking water before bed can help you.
5. Backache
Back pain can make you into a restless sleep. You need to replace your mattress every eight to ten years.
6. Gastric acid
Acid lux into the esophagus can make you restless sleep. This condition mainly affects people who have excess fat around the abdomen.
7. Infection
If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel dizzy, you may be suffering from benign positional vertigo. It mainly affects women over the age of 50. Sleep on your back with two pillows can help as it can stabilize the position of your head.
8. Drug
Some medications can interfere with your sleep at night, including drugs for high blood pressure and flu, which often contain caffeine.
9. Hormone
Insomnia can also be caused by low levels of the hormone. In women, estrogen levels are very important to maintain the body temperature. However, the level of this hormone will decrease before or during the menstrual period, or during menopause.
There are nine reasons why you feel hard to sleep at night. Do not ignore your bodys complaints given and immediately consult a doctor.

Owning a pet

So before you rush out and bring home a whole bundle of trouble consider the following:
Before diving in, do your research: speak to a vet, an animal breeder, and friends who own pets before you settle on a particular animal. If you are thinking about getting a pet contact your local SPCA or vet and ask their advice.
- Who will look after the pet? If you have children under the age of 10 years, it is unrealistic to think that they can be independently responsible for a pet. You will be doing the bulk of the feeding, watering, cleaning, walking – unless you are prepared to remind every day.
- Can you afford to look after the pet? Pets are expensive – depending on the type of animal you get, there are food costs, vaccinations, beds and cages, grooming, flea and tick control, obedience classes, fences or gates around the house and vet care over the lifetime of the pet.
- Do you have to register your pet? Most local councils have regulations regarding the registration of dogs.
- How long will your pet live? Do you want to care for a pet when your children are older? And on the flipside, will your children be able to cope if there is an unexpected death in the family?
- Do you know what type of pet you want? And is it a practical choice? Some pets will be completely inappropriate for your family so make sure you’ve done your homework to discover the best pet for you.
- How much exercise will your pet need? And more importantly, does your family have the time and inclination to exercise a pet?
- Will you have to leave your pet alone a lot? If so, do you have to take any measures to ensure that it will be safe and secure?
- If you go away, who will care for your pet? Friendly neighbours are often happy to feed and walk pets but if you’re short on friendly neighbours (or your pet is a large dog who will bark for the whole seven days you’re away) then you need to consider either having someone move into your house to be a companion for your pet, or have your pet board away from home, which can be expensive.
This article was written by Ella Walsh for Kidspot. Sources include SA Government’s Parenting and Child Health.

Barley Murukku Diwali Wishes
May the divine light of diwali
spread into your Life
peace, prosperity, happiness
and good health.
Wishing my readers and my blogger buddies a happy and safe diwali.

Every year even many miles separate us from India, we still manage ourselves to celebrate this beautiful diwali festival with our friends and relative, but unfortunately this time its a working day and so its quite dull here. Wish very soon Diwali will be considered as a important festival and i want the french government to declare its a government holiday, i know it will happens only in my dream.Also am very happy to say that this post is my 2,250th post,thanks to each and every readers for making this, nothing is possible without all your encouraging words.
Coming to this barley murukku, this time i just prepared this murukku along with garlic moongdal murukku, check out my guest post at Swasthis Blog. I never thought that barley flour will works wonder for making these crispy beauties,since its my first time to make savouries with homemade barley flour, i wasnt that much sure about the final result. But for my surprise, they turned out simply mindblowing.For making barley flour yourself at home, just roast a cup of pearl barley, grind it once its get cool with a mixer and sieve it to get the barley rava and barley flour, conserve them in air tight box for further use. No need to search in your Indian stores for barley flour, ill advice to make yourselves this kind of flours at home itself with minimum efforts.Sending to my own event CWS-Barley guest hosted by Roshni.

2cups Rice flour
1cup Barley flour
1/2cup Roasted gram flour/Pottukadala maavu
1tbsp Butter(room temperature)
1tbsp Cumin seeds
1/4tsp Asafoetida powder
1/4tsp Ajwain seeds (crushed)
Oil for deep frying
Take the rice flour,barley flour,roasted gram flour,butter,cumin seeds,asafoetida powder,salt and ajwain seeds in a large bowl.
Gradually add the water and knead everything as a soft and stiff dough.
Heat the oil for deepfrying in a kadai.
Take a murukku press with star nozzle,pinch a small portion of the dough,drop it into the press and squeeze out as round shaped murukku in a greased flat plate.
Once the oil is hot, add the squeezed murukku.
Fry on both sides until its golden brown drain the excess of oil with paper towel.
Repeat the same process until the dough gets finished.
Fry the murukkus in small batches.
Arrange in an air tight containers and enjoy.
spread into your Life
peace, prosperity, happiness
and good health.
Wishing my readers and my blogger buddies a happy and safe diwali.

Every year even many miles separate us from India, we still manage ourselves to celebrate this beautiful diwali festival with our friends and relative, but unfortunately this time its a working day and so its quite dull here. Wish very soon Diwali will be considered as a important festival and i want the french government to declare its a government holiday, i know it will happens only in my dream.Also am very happy to say that this post is my 2,250th post,thanks to each and every readers for making this, nothing is possible without all your encouraging words.
Coming to this barley murukku, this time i just prepared this murukku along with garlic moongdal murukku, check out my guest post at Swasthis Blog. I never thought that barley flour will works wonder for making these crispy beauties,since its my first time to make savouries with homemade barley flour, i wasnt that much sure about the final result. But for my surprise, they turned out simply mindblowing.For making barley flour yourself at home, just roast a cup of pearl barley, grind it once its get cool with a mixer and sieve it to get the barley rava and barley flour, conserve them in air tight box for further use. No need to search in your Indian stores for barley flour, ill advice to make yourselves this kind of flours at home itself with minimum efforts.Sending to my own event CWS-Barley guest hosted by Roshni.

2cups Rice flour
1cup Barley flour
1/2cup Roasted gram flour/Pottukadala maavu
1tbsp Butter(room temperature)
1tbsp Cumin seeds
1/4tsp Asafoetida powder
1/4tsp Ajwain seeds (crushed)
Oil for deep frying
Take the rice flour,barley flour,roasted gram flour,butter,cumin seeds,asafoetida powder,salt and ajwain seeds in a large bowl.
Gradually add the water and knead everything as a soft and stiff dough.
Heat the oil for deepfrying in a kadai.
Take a murukku press with star nozzle,pinch a small portion of the dough,drop it into the press and squeeze out as round shaped murukku in a greased flat plate.
Once the oil is hot, add the squeezed murukku.
Fry on both sides until its golden brown drain the excess of oil with paper towel.
Repeat the same process until the dough gets finished.
Fry the murukkus in small batches.
Arrange in an air tight containers and enjoy.

Pregnant Drinking Green Tea Is it safe
Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe? - Green tea has many health benefits. No wonder the drinks or green tea products is sought and consumed all ages to get the benefits. But be caul, green tea also has side effects if taken while pregnant.
Well, fans of green tea should consult with your doctor before taking green tea. Quoted from Boldsky, the following are some risks of green tea consumption during pregnancy:
1. Affect the level of folic acid
Increased consumption of green tea can affect the levels of folic acid in the body. Folate deficiency can cause neural defects in babies, such as spina bifida, in which the tube around the central nervous system fails to close completely.
2. Caffeine
Remember that green tea also contains caffeine in moderation. Experts advise to keep the amount of caffeine intake during pregnancy.
3. Affect iron absorption
Too much green tea can affect your health because it can reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Iron is essential during pregnancy, so it is recommended to enjoy green tea in sufficient quantities during pregnancy.
4. Low birth weight for babies
Increased intake of green tea found to be associated with low birth weight in infants. It is considered as the effect of caffeine in green tea. Green tea contains 20-50 mg of caffeine per serving depending on different varieties.
5. Dehydration
Because caffeine is a diuretic, increased consumption of green tea can affect your health by making the body dehydrated. Diuretics cause increased excretion of water, so do not be too much to eat.
6. Caffeine into placenta
Caffeine will reach the baby through your blood circulation by crossing the placenta. Your babys metabolism is not mature enough so it can not fully metabolize the caffeine.
All this is based on studies showing that green tea results risk during pregnancy. Well, the consumption of green tea should taste during your pregnancy.
Well, fans of green tea should consult with your doctor before taking green tea. Quoted from Boldsky, the following are some risks of green tea consumption during pregnancy:
1. Affect the level of folic acid
Increased consumption of green tea can affect the levels of folic acid in the body. Folate deficiency can cause neural defects in babies, such as spina bifida, in which the tube around the central nervous system fails to close completely.
2. Caffeine
Remember that green tea also contains caffeine in moderation. Experts advise to keep the amount of caffeine intake during pregnancy.
3. Affect iron absorption
Too much green tea can affect your health because it can reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Iron is essential during pregnancy, so it is recommended to enjoy green tea in sufficient quantities during pregnancy.
4. Low birth weight for babies
Increased intake of green tea found to be associated with low birth weight in infants. It is considered as the effect of caffeine in green tea. Green tea contains 20-50 mg of caffeine per serving depending on different varieties.
5. Dehydration
Because caffeine is a diuretic, increased consumption of green tea can affect your health by making the body dehydrated. Diuretics cause increased excretion of water, so do not be too much to eat.
6. Caffeine into placenta
Caffeine will reach the baby through your blood circulation by crossing the placenta. Your babys metabolism is not mature enough so it can not fully metabolize the caffeine.
All this is based on studies showing that green tea results risk during pregnancy. Well, the consumption of green tea should taste during your pregnancy.

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