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10 Advantages of drinking tomato juice on a regular basis

Saturday, May 17, 2014

10 Advantages of drinking tomato juice on a regular basis - This fruit often encountered in the cuisine. The orange fruit is also very tasty in consumption. Usually many are processed into beverages, such as juice. But not only that, the tomato also has many other benefits when consumed on a regular basis. What are the other benefits? As in reports of Mag for Women, see 10 benefits of tomatoes when consumed regularly every day.

1. Rich in antioxidants
Tomatoes contain lycopene, a type of antioxidant that has properties protect the skin from UV rays of the sun, the body cells and vital organs.

2. Against cancer
Lycopene also has the ability to protect DNA in white blood cells, so the immune system become stronger to fight cancer.

3. Prevent the recurrence of heart disease
Research says that the lycopene in tomato juice can prevent heart disease coming back, so that the disease patients are encouraged to drink tomato juice on a regular basis.

4 . Heal lung diseases
Fresh tomato juice is a natural healing from within, including ease lung disease, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.

5. Good for diabetics
According to one study, tomato juice potent in inhibiting clotting of blood vessels. So this drink is very good if consumed by diabetics.

6. Source of infant nutrition
Vitamin C and potassium contained in tomato juice is very good for pregnant women because they are the same as distributing essential nutrients baby in the womb.

7. Prevent constipation
Tomato juice mixed with spinach juice is not only heart healthy, but also effective in preventing constipation or bowel movements.

8. Provide energy
The content of potassium in tomato juice can overcome fatigue and lethargy. After exercise, drink tomato juice also highly recommended if you want to get instant energy.

9. Digestion
Before eating, its good if tomato juice is consumed as appetizers. Its function is to aid digestion.

10. Destroying free radicals
Vitamin A and C in tomatoes have a duty to destroy free radicals in the body. So drink tomato juice regularly can be used as a prevention of various diseases naturally.

To get to all of the above benefits, you must consume tomatoes every day.

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