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Brioche Rolls with Strawberry Jam

Monday, May 19, 2014

Brioche, an incredible spongy bread highly light and super puffy with a rich and tender crumb. These bread are loaded with eggs and butter. Since ever i tried brioche with less butter, am making my brioche quite often at home with different filling. Recently i prepared this damn cute looking brioche rolls and we had this jam filled brioche rolls for our sundays brunch.

With a cup of coffee these rolls are simply filling and an excellent breakfast rolls to enjoy without any hesitation. As brioche is often cooked with fruits or chocolate chips, i went for strawberry jam for the filling. A big hit among my kids and they simply love it, you can go for any other filling as you desire,my next brioche rolls is going to be filled either with nutella or cinnamon-chocolate chips. As jam filled brioche rolls are bit hit at home,do i need to say how everyone at home will love the nutella filled brioche rolls.Sending to 60days of Christmas hosted by Priya and Divya

3cups Bread flour or all purpose flour
1tbsp Active dry yeast
1/2cup Milk (luke warm)
3nos Egg yolks
1/4cup Sugar +1tsp Sugar
1tsp Salt
70grms Butter
1no egg yolk+1tsp Milk (for brushing)
Strawberry jam as per need

Mix the yeast,a teaspoon of sugar and salt to the luke warm milk, keep aside until the yeast turns foamy.

Meanwhile take the flour,egg yolks,sugar in a large bowl, add gradually the foamy yeast and turn everything as a soft dough, now add the butter and knead everything for 10minutes.

Arrange the dough in a bowl covered with a towel,keep aside for atleast for 2hours until they double their volume.

Knead the dough again for few minutes and divide the dough as 8-10medium sized balls.

Dust a ball with enough flour, roll it as a medium sized  rectangle disc, place a teaspoon of the jam and cut the bottom part of the dough as small strips.

Roll the jam placed part gently and place the strips one by one over the rolled part of the disc.

Repeat the same process with the dough and keep the rolls over a baking sheet and let them sit in a warm place for an hour.

 Preheat the oven to 350F.

Mix the egg yolk with milk for brushing together, now brush the uncooked brioche rolls generously and bake them for 20-25minutes until the crust turns brown.

Cool it completely on a wire rack.


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