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Permission Granted

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I went to see my doctor today and she was extremely not happy that I did not stay on the program she outlined for me. But she did give me permission to try the juice fast. She became very alarmed when I told her I was having pain in my leg where the blood clot had been and she rushed me over to have another sonogram. Happy to report there are no blood clots in either leg now.

Still wondering that if I cannot stay on the program the doctor put me on, how will I stay on the juice fast? What will I do when temptation rears it ugly head? The thing is... I have seen the video and I believe it works. I am willing to try it for 10 days. I think that by that time, if I can do that, it should be easy enough to continue. At least I hope so. There was one place in the video where Joe said he was no longer tempted -- I hope I find that place, too.

Doc wanted to know what I was going to do at the end of the 10-day fast and I told her that I would simply continue it. I sure hope I can do it. If you would pray for me in this matter, I would appreciate it. I need the help of the Lord.

I was also very pleasantly surprised to find that the exercise I did yesterday in the pool gave me really good blood sugars today!! Praise God for His many blessings!!

The thing about the juice fast is that you also have to exercise. Phil was doing swimming and light walking to begin. At the end of the film he was running -- that was more than 60 days later, I think. And I noticed he was chewing gum, too.

Im planning on doing the pool thing three times a week and airofit inbetween, so I am set for exercise. I am so glad to hear that there are no more blood clots, because I was kind of afraid to exercise too much -- but now I dont have to worry about that, at least.

Im also going to be taking something called serrapeptase which is an enzyme that dissolves plaque, blood clots, and scare tissue. It also helps to lower blood pressure. Ive been reading about it and it seems that it may also reduce or remove cysts, too. Many people use it to control pain and inflammation rather than using NSAIDS. I got permission from my doctor to begin taking that, too.

She called me this afternoon to finish our discussion of what prescriptions and natural supplements I am taking. She is a good doctor and I am sorry that I made her angry about my resistance to the program that she wants me to follow. Part of the problem was that there was a "medical food" that I was supposed to purchase which cost $67 dollars for a one-week supply. Wow. That is more than $200 a month for a four week month, and nearly $300 for a five-week month. The ingredients were mostly the same as the supplements I am already taking, too. I just did not see the point.

I think the juice fast will work just as well, if not better, and wont cost as much.

My belief is that food is good medicine if you eat it in the form God created it. Right now my body is really out of balance due to obesity and all the years I ate the SAD diet. I am hoping that the juice fast will get me on the road to getting over that.

This also points out to me that there is a difference between "belief" and "commitment."

I was not really committed to the plan Doc wanted me to do. I tried it. I did not like it. I read the book and got some good information but was very confused about what I am to eat. At least that is what Doc said today. She said I was not supposed to eat cottage cheese or yogurt, (which my body reacted to) but she is the one that insisted that I eat Greek yogurt when she was explaining it to me and it is clearly written on the sheet I filled out.

She did not go over the inflammation elimination part with me. I read about it in the book but the instructions were conflicting and confusing. She said I should have called. I suppose I should have. But that would have come from "commitment" which I did not have.

It was all pretty much imposed on me and I related to it, like Ive related to every diet that has been shoved in my hands since I was ten years old. They make sense on paper but are nearly impossible to make happen in real life. They are usually far out in left field in the ingredient department. I cannot follow someone elses "easy" plan. They usually simply do not fit me. I dont eat shrimp and if you can only have one 3/4 inch slice of fresh pineapple what do you do with the rest of it? You have to peel the whole thing, core the whole thing, and slice the whole thing, and then eat one slice of it. Not. If I was feeding a family... maybe, but I am just one person. All that trouble for one slice of pineapple that I dont usually eat, anyway? Fresh pineapple makes my mouth hurt.

I wont eat half of what they suggest and the portions would not fill up a fly. Who actually eats 1/2 C of beans? My reaction to that is, "why go to the trouble?" It takes at least forty-five minutes to get them ready and you cant cook 1/2 C you have to cook a portion of a bag of beans. So you cook up about 3 quarts of beans, the house fills up with the smell, and then you get to eat 1/2 of a cup. Why bother? My body reacts to beans anyway.

I actually did try to do it, but it soon got out of hand and off schedule and that makes me crazy. So I am going to try something that I think will fit my life.

I want to be committed to eating food Gods way. I must be committed to not eating processed foods, too. In my mind one is inherent in the other. In my mind I am saying, "I dont eat manufactured foods" as a way to take the stand on a personal level. I changed the word from "processed" to "manufactured" because the second one more closely mirrors what I have in mind. I am planning on juicing vegetables and also a little fruit. I consider "juicing" a sort of "processing" so using the word "manufactured" means (to me) food that was processed, baked, fried, cooked, and manipulated into some other form in a factory. I kind of like the sound of "factory food," too. I supposed I could simply stick with "processed food," too, because when you use it, most people understand what you are saying.

Do you see how my mind works? I am looking for perfection. I want to use the perfect word. Yet it is the concept that I need to keep in mind: "I dont eat processed food." Period. That is what I avoid.

This is what I pursue: fresh wholesome organic food the way God created it. For me this is going to be fruit and vegetables for a while. Later I may add in nuts, seeds, and a little poultry or fish or feta cheese, but when the juice fast starts it will be fresh homemade vegetable and fruit juice for 10 days. So my complete thought will be: "I dont eat processed food. I eat Gods food." Wow! I like that!

Well, I am glad my doctor gave the green light. I pray that I can do this and I pray that it will work to finally free me from obesity. Let the journey begin.... as soon as I get my juicer!!

Be back soon,


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