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How to treat wrinkles at home

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Natural ways to get rid of wrinkles at home

Wrinkles appear with age, usually as a result of the skin becoming thinner, losing elasticity and becoming more vulnerable to damage. Even though they say wrinkles make you wiser, nobody likes them and tries everything from expensive skin treatments like laser, botox, dermabrasion to wrinkle remover creams etc. 

Are you one of them? 
Is seeking different ways to get rid of wrinkles is in your agenda? 

Dont worry you are at the right place. At sometime in our lives, we are going to get wrinkles. Or if you already have them but you just dont want them, never fret! This article is going to show you how to treat wrinkles the quick and easy way.

How to Reduce Wrinkles at home: Preventive steps

1) Avoid the sun. 
Its the No. 1 cause of wrinkles, with dozens of studies documenting the impact. In one study that looked at identical twins, New York plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD, found sun exposure was even more important than heredity. Siblings who limited sun time had fewer wrinkles and looked younger overall than their sun-worshiping twins.

2) Drink Water
Drink eight full glasses of water each day. This will keep your skin hydrated, which will gently plump up existing wrinkles and discourage new ones from forming.

3) Dont smoke. 
Some of the research studies show that who smoked tended to have skin that was more wrinkled and up to 40% thinner than the non-smoker. Studies are confirming that cigarette smoke ages skin -- mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin, important components of the skin. Nicotine inhalation reduces blood circulation to skin creating a nutrient deficiency forming wrinkles.

4) Sleep well
If you dont get enough sleep, the body produces excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Get enough rest, so your body can produce enough growth hormones which helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to get wrinkles.

5) Dont Squint too often
Squinting forces facial muscles to overwork thus forming a groove beneath the skins surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. Also, wear sunglasses when you go out in sun. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage -- and further keep you from squinting.

6) Dont over-wash your face
According to experts washing your skin too often strips skin of its natural barrier oils and moisture that protects against wrinkles. Dont use soaps that doesnt have moisturizers in them if you wash your skin with soap often, you wash away your protection.

7) Never use facial products that contain alcohol
Avoid using facial products containing alcohol. Alcohol is drying and can cause wrinkles to form. Use products containing water or witch hazel instead. Use facial creams containing light, natural oils, such as evening primrose oil or avocado oil. These will absorb into your skin easily and plump up existing wrinkles.   

8) Always follow a healthy lifestyle
Healthy living is highly recommended for everyone. Try to get used to living a healthy life so that your wrinkles can be minimized and eliminated. A balanced diet is the key to make your skin look healthy and fresh. Vitamin A, C, E and K, also helps make skin glow.

9) Avoid stress
Stress is very harmful, and of course can lead to the emergence of wrinkles. Avoid stress wrinkles on your face that does not appear or can be eliminated.

10) Use sunscreen
Sunlight is the number one cause of wrinkles. If you had to travel under the sun, do not forget to use sunscreen cream, in addition to reducing wrinkles will also avoid skin cancer.

Home remedies for wrinkles 

There are several natural remedies to reduce the signs of aging. While there are many benefits from natural skin care, not all the practices and remedies are backed up by research and some just haven’t been studied adequately. If you wish, you can try some of these popular skin care treatments though:

Honey is one of the best self made anti - aging wrinkle elimination available. Before you start this in home anti - aging solution always clean your face with warm water. This allows the skin pores in your epidermis to open up, thereby increasing the potency of the honeys. Now apply a thin layer of hone on your face ant keep it there for about 30 minutes. After that clean your face with water andd then caully rub an ice dice all over, more specifically, rub the ice dice on the places where the honies was used. An crucial thing to remember

Lemon Juice: 
Massage lemon juice all over your skin to help get rid of wrinkles. The juice works as a deep cleansing agent and astringent and may help keep the skin clean and taut.
Cabbage Juice: An ancient home remedy for the removal of wrinkles, cabbage juice should be massaged over the facial skin and left to dry. After the juice dries, rinse it off with warm water. Cabbage juice is believed to help tighten up facial muscles.

Coconut oil:
When it comes to organic anti - aging elimination, it doesnt get much easier than coconut oil. Just rub heated coconut oil into your epidermis each night and continue the process for provided that you want to keep facial lines away.

Banana:Bananas are the most effective natural ingredients and easy to make anti-wrinkle face cream. Mash one or two bananas until crushed and soft like cream, apply throughout the surface of the face leave on for about 30 minutes then wash with warm water, pat your skin should never rubbed until dry.

Rose Water: 
Another anti-aging treatment is the application of a face pack made up of rose water, honey and turmeric. Use this mixture to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin and prevent wrinkles.

Mash a ripe papaya and apply the pulp to the face and neck. The essential vitamins found in papaya help keep the skin smooth and unlined.

Egg Whites: 
This is a popular cure for aging skin. Apply egg whites mixed with coconut oil to the face and let it dry before rinsing off. This helps maintain the elasticity of your skin and eliminate signs of aging. The coconut oil works as a moisturizer and prevents skin dehydration as well.

Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and is a fruit known for its anti-aging effects. Apply pineapple juice all over the skin and leave it on for five minutes before washing off. This increases the level of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in the skin that are essential to fight the aging process.

Facial Massage with oils: 
Regular facial massages with oils such as vitamin E oil, castor oil or coconut oil can help prevent dehydration of the skin. The strong strokes of a massage also help prevent permanent lines and drooping of the skin.

As you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing self made anti - aging solutions. Now you dont have to depend completely on shopping you anti - wrinkle lotion any longer. Learn more about skin care purchase our ebook

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