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Fight Cold and Flu Avoid Sugar and Include Vitamin C and Vitamin D

Thursday, May 1, 2014

(Article first published as Fight Cold and Flu with Natural Diet and Super Nutrients on Technorati.)
When given the opportunity our body has the amazing capacity to thwart many diseases and illnesses including the common cold and influenza. When we provide our immune system with the necessary tools to fight bacteria and viruses, vibrant health will always be the natural result. 

The typical processed food diet is void of the nutrients we require to fuel our immune system and we become a magnet for a host of circulating pathogens that cause suffering for millions each year. Proper diet and targeted natural immune nutrients will help you and your family to prevent cold and flu by boosting your innate immune response.

Eat Natural Foods, Avoid Sugar to Boost Immunity
Diet is the single most important lifestyle process that is within your control to help your immune system. Simply put, sugar suppresses our immune system by inhibiting the ability of white blood cells to engulf bacterial and viral invaders.

The results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) demonstrates that the amount of sugar in two sweetened beverages lowers immune response by 50% for up to five hours after drinking or eating. A diet filled with complex carbohydrates has no detrimental effect on immunity and the high nutritional content of fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds provide the building blocks required to mount a healthy attack as needed.

Vitamin D Activates Killer T Cells
Health conscious individuals who ensure proper blood levels of vitamin D appear to have the ultimate defense against the cold and flu. The journal Nature Immunology provides details of the synergy between the sunshine vitamin and our adaptive immune killer T cells. Vitamin D is shown to provide the activation key that stimulates T cells into action when invaders are detected.

Virtually every cell in our body has a vitamin D receptor that is only filled when sufficient amounts are circulating in the blood. A deficiency in this essential compound leaves the cellular receptor open and available for viral hijacking. A separate AJCN study shows that vitamin D is far superior to vaccines at preventing the flu. Maintain your vitamin D blood levels between 50 and 70 ng/ml for optimal protection.

Vitamin C Prepares Immune Cells for Action
Vitamin C has been shown to increase the number of infection-fighting white blood cells and stimulates the production of interferon. Interferon provides a protective coating to the surface of cells that prevents penetration by viruses. Research published in the Journal of Immunology explains that up to 5 grams of vitamin C are needed daily to activate the production of interferon for general health and up to 1 gram every hour should be used when fighting a cold or the flu.

The importance of a strong immune response cannot be underestimated. Elimination of sugar and processed carbohydrates from your diet should be the first step in boosting your front line response. Adding natural nutrients including vitamins C and D have proven effective in providing top notch protection against the common cold and flu virus.

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