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Information on nutrients

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Information on nutrients

Nutrients are organic compounds and minerals essential for living organisms to ensure their growth and operations. Among the nutrients, there are two main groups: macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrimentssont the major components of our diet, it is the carbohydrates (sugars), proteins (proteins) and lipids (fats). Micronutrients are in turn composed of vitamins and minerals. Here is the complete ABC nutrients for use by practitioners of bodybuilding.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates also called carbohydrates are simple or complex molecules with a sweet or not. Carbohydrates are a source of energy in our body and it is the essential fuel of the brain. It is in the family of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates (sugar formerly fast) and complex carbohydrates (slow sugars).

Simple carbohydrates are those who have a sweet taste. They are found in sweets, cakes, fruits ... These carbohydrates have the property to move quickly in the blood and increase blood glucose. To maintain a stable blood sugar, the body is then forced to produce insulin. This hormone helps to lower blood sugar by sugar enter the cells. When carbohydrates are consumed in excessive quantities, the body stores them as fat.

Complex carbohydrates do not have a sweet taste. They are present in potatoes, lentils, cereals ... Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates should undergo transformations to pass into the blood. These transformations can be realized slowly progressive and slow diffusion of carbohydrates without causing hyperglycemia.

As part of a balanced diet, carbohydrates should constitute 55-75% of the diet. For more information on carbohydrates, sugars read our special folders.


What are proteins?

They are more or less complex molecules made of amino acids. Proteins have multiple functions, they serve as material of construction, cataboliseur (enzymes), messenger (hormone) ... Proteins found in meat, fish, dairy products ....

Protein should be 10-15% of the diet and should be varied source (animal, plant) in order to provide the body with all the amino acids. For more information, read our special proteins.

What are lipids?
These are the fats that we use mainly energy reserve. Lipids are also present in the cell members and is also used for the manufacture of hormones. There are several types of fat.

Lipids must be 15 to 20% of the diet. More information in our special grease.


These are chemicals that are involved in chemical reactions in the body. Vitamins are classified into two categories: water-soluble vitamins (soluble in water) and fat-soluble vitamins (fat soluble). Hydrosoluble or liposoluble vitamins, they all have in common:

They provide no calories.
They can not be manufactured by our body (except vitamin D, K and B3).
Their deficiency causes diseases and their causes excessive disruptions body functions.

Guide Vitamins
Vegetable provitamin A (carotenoids)
Precursor of vitamin A, there is no risk of overdose because the body converts into vitamin A according to its needs. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, it has a protective role against certain cancers such as skin cancer, lung cancer and bladder. It also has an anti-aging. Found provitamin A in fruits and vegetables orange, red carrot, melon, mango, apricot ...

Animal vitamin A (retinol)
This vitamin plays a role in vision: it allows us to see in the dark with a specific action on the retina (hence its name retinol). This vitamin is involved in the immune response, wound healing and helps regulate the sebaceous glands and sweat glands. Found vitamin A in butter, milk, egg yolk, liver ...

B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12)
B group vitamins increase metabolism, protect the skin and muscles, improve immune function and nerve. We find B vitamins in meat, liver, fish and milk.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
This vitamin also known as vitamin "Fatigue" is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals. This vitamin is essential to strengthen the muscles, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, ligaments but also the gums and teeth. This vitamin also stimulates the immune system and protects against infections, prevents cancer and reduces cholesterol. Kiwi, berries, tomatoes, peppers and citrus fruits are the main sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin D (calciferol)
Is vitamin bones. It allows the binding of calcium to the bones. This vitamin can be produced by the body is known as the sunshine vitamin: it is produced when the skin is subjected to ultraviolet light. Another little known role of vitamin D is to regulate the heart rhythm. Another feature of this vitamin is to be stored in the body (liver, muscle, and fat). This allows the body to have no deficiency with sufficient exposure during the summer. Found mostly in vitamin D, egg yolk, cod liver, cheese ...

Vitamin E (tocopherols, tocotrienols)
This vitamin has a three times higher antioxidant power of vitamin C. It protects against harmful free radicals, pollution and thus prevents aging. Vitamin E is also very useful for the heart because it prevents blood clots and thus reduces the risk of phlebitis. In addition to these previous virtues, it reduces fatigue, prevents impotence and enhances fertility. You can find vitamin E in vegetable oils, germ of cereals, soy, egg yolk ...

Vitamin K
This vitamin is antihemorrhagic: it is essential to the process of blood clotting. Vitamin K is found in leafy vegetables, dairy products and vegetable oils.


These are elements from rocks, which enter into the composition of organisms that are present in animal feed and plant ionic form (anions or cations). Here is a list of major minerals and their characteristics:

Calcium (Ca)
It is certain that the female population, calcium is essential for maintaining normal bone density, which is calcium carbonate a good dietary supplement. The role of calcium in muscle contraction and nerve conduction is also critical to the health and development.

Chromium (Cr)
This element is an important constituent of certain enzymes and maintain a role in glucose metabolism. This is the mineral diabetes.

Selenium (Se)
This is the anti-cancer mineral. Selenium is an antioxidant that functions in conjunction with vitamin E.

Magnesium (Mg)
This mineral is important for energy metabolism and the functioning of the heart and nerves.

Iron (Fe)
This is the mineral anti-anemia. Iron deficiency is generally not a problem for most of us who eat meat, but many athletes especially vegetarians should take iron supplement. Iron plays a role in determining the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen; anything that can interfere with the ability to carry oxygen is obviously detrimental to the trainability.

Zinc (Zn)
Zinc plays an important role in regulating testosterone levels by increasing the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone. It can also help decrease the elimination of testosterone by the liver and reduce the conversion into dihydrotestosterone.

Other minerals
Copper (Cu): the inorganic anti-infection
Fluorine (F): mineral anti-caries
Iodine (I): the mineral anti-fatigue
Lithium (Li): mineral brain
Manganese (Mn): mineral allergy
Potassium (K): the mineral balance neuromuscular
Silicon (Si): the mineral body envelope
Sodium (Na): the mineral water
Sulfur (S): The mineral of bone and skin

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