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Top Super Brain Foods For Kids

Friday, May 9, 2014

We all know that we need to eat the right diet for the good of our physical health. As a student of self development and a pursuer of knowledge, the study of the human brain is a fascinating area for you to focus on. Studies prove time and time again that there is a great positive correlation with the types of foods children eat and their mood, attention spans, behavior, and test scores. 

Children in their growing years need proper food for their overall growth as well as for their brain development. The foods consumed by children affect their learning skills and improves their ability to concentrate. Studies have found that food containing essential nutrients and vitamins has the ability to boost the brain power. Below are top super "brain foods" that may help boost a childs brain development and growth. 

1. Eggs
Eggs offer protein, and theyre one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Eating protein at breakfast helps kids feel satisfied longer (no mid-morning hunger). Eggs contain protein and nutrients like omega -3 fatty acid, choline, Zinc and lutein. 

These nutrients are necessary for brain development and function. Choline present in egg is vital for the formation of memory stem cells. The more the stem cells, the better will be the memory power. Choline rich foods promote memory cell production throughout the childhood.

How To Serve?
• It can be served as boiled eggs or omelets or as scrambled eggs.
• If your child hates eggs disguise them in toast with whole grain breads.
• You can use scrambled eggs to fill in tortillas as a snack.

 2. Berries
Berries like blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants. These antioxidants are expected to improve the cognitive skills in humans. This food will improve the memory power and the vitamin C present in the berries will improve the immune system as well. The antioxidants prevent the oxidative stress on brain function.

How To Serve?
  • Apply penut butter on bread slices and keep sliced berries in between to make a brain power house.
  • Add different types of berries to the cereals or oatmeal
  • You can add them in fruit salads or other desserts
3. Oatmeal
Research shows that kids who eat oatmeal are better able to concentrate and pay attention in school. Fiber-rich whole grains, like oatmeal, digest slowly, providing kids with a steady stream of energy. Oatmeal is rich in fiber and protein and helps to keep the arteries of the brain and heart clear. 

It has been found that children who eat oatmeal were better at memory tasks and map skills. Oatmeal digests slowly and provides the kids with a steady supply of energy for a long time.

How To Serve?

  • Add raisins, dried apricot or walnuts to the cooked oatmeal to make it more appealing.
  • Serve your kids oatmeal topped with sliced fruit for a well-rounded and healthy breakfast.
  • Do not add sugar; instead use honey or maple syrup to sweeten the oatmeal.
4. Nuts
Nuts and nut butter have long been known for their protein, but they also provide essential nutrients for the brain. Researchers have linked tree nuts to a decreased risk of many diseases. Now there’s evidence that they also improve cognition. 

Most of the nuts have high concentrations of vitamin E, B vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, minerals and Omega-3s. All support the nervous system. The walnut’s shape resembles a brain, so why shouldnt it be a brain food? Almonds may help save your memory. As these are filled with vitamin E. Vitamin E has been linked to improved brain performance.

How To Serve?
  • Explore different types of nut butters and pair them with sliced fruit or whole grain bread, or blend them into a smoothie.
  • Make a paste and apply on toast.
  • put a teaspoon of powdered nuts in a glass of milk.
  • Make a sandwich by applying almond butter on wholegrain breads and keep some sliced apple in between.
5) Whole Grains
They are a rich source of complex carbohydrates and hence helps to maintain an even glucose level in the blood throughout the day. The brain needs a constant source of fuel, in the form of glucose, to properly function. Grains are a source of glucose and whole grains provide fiber, which helps to slow down the release of glucose into the body. As a result, the brain receives a steady supply of fuel for a longer period of time. Whole grain breads, pastas and cereals are good sources.

How To Serve?

  • You can use whole grain breads for breakfast or for making sandwiches
  • Whole grain cookies can be used as snacks.
  • Research has shown that kids who eat a proper whole grain breakfast do better in their academics and has less behavioral problems.
6. Fish
Fish provide a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. According to an article in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," omega-3s account for 40 percent of the fatty acids in brain membranes and have a significant effect on cognitive function and growth. The most abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. In addition to following a balanced diet, consuming these foods at least twice a week will provide adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. 

How To Serve?
  • Make the fish child-friendly by creating tuna or salmon salad sandwiches using fat-free mayonnaise, cranberries and diced walnuts. Serve it on whole wheat bread or crackers.
  • It is better to avoid deep fried fish as this will remove the nutrients, serve them grilled or roasted
  • If your child is reluctant to eat fish, try fish oil supplements
7) Dark Leafy Greens 
Greens, such as spinach and kale, pack an immune boosting punch with their vitamin A and C. The vitamin B-12 and folate in spinach improves brain health and the maintenance of cognitive functioning, including memory. Kale is rich in manganese, a trace mineral that helps synthesize fatty acids critical to healthy brain function. 

How to serve?
  • Try Kale chips, and spinach brownies to give kids a nutrient boost in foods they like!
  • Use them in salads or sprinkle finely cut on an omelet or use them smoothies.
8) Beans
Beans are an affordable and delicious source of protein and complex carbohydrates. This combination helps provide the brain with a steady source of fuel and vital nutrients. Beans contain vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and tryptophan, which can influence and preserve brain function.

How to serve

  • Try adding beans to a wrap, soup, pasta sauce or chili. Bean dips are a great way to spice up raw veggies for an after school snack. 
  • Puree chickpeas, lentils or white kidney beans with some garlic, lemon and extra virgin olive oil for a brain healthy dip for snacks.
9) Milk 
Protein and calcium in dairy products provide fuel for the brain and body. Protein helps build brain tissue, while milks calcium keeps kids bones and teeth strong. Milk is a well known source of protein, vitamin D, and phosphorus. But calcium also affects how our bodies regulate energy, Calcium plays an important role in the bodys production of insulin, Unless there is true lactose intolerance, it should be a nonnegotiable part of your childs diet. Bonus: A diet rich in low-fat dairy seems to protect children from obesity.

How to serve?
  • Turn up the appeal To make milk tempting, just add chocolate or strawberry syrup.
10) Tomatoes
Theyre loaded with lycopene -- a substance that protects against many cancers. Cooking tomatoes makes them even healthier because the heat releases the lycopene. Pairing tomato containing foods with a good fat, like olive oil, helps the body absorb more. 

How to serve?
  • Use in pizza and pasta sauces are obvious choices.
  • Add tomato sauce to turkey meatballs or meatloaf if you need to disguise it. A bowl of chili and salsa for dipping are good options if youve got a spice lover.
11. Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a good source of protein, healthy fat and vitamin B. It contains healthy bacteria known to boost immunity and aid digestion. The fat present in yoghurt is very necessary for brain health. This fat keeps the brain cell membranes flexible and helps in sending and receiving information by the brain cells.

How To Serve?

  • You can use flavored yoghurts as desserts
  • Add a drizzle of honey (after age 1) for sweetness, a bit of maple syrup, or try a squeeze of agave syrup .
  • You can serve yoghurt with berries on top for breakfast.

12) Dark chocolate
If given in moderation, dark chocolate can promote brain health. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants than blueberries and natural cocoa rates higher than raspberries and blackberries for these key nutrients. The antioxidants in chocolate protect brain cells from damaging free radicals and improve cognitive function. 
Choose dark chocolate with a higher percentage of cocoa, which typically means a lower amount of sugar. 

How to serve?
  • Pair a small serving of dark chocolate with fruit for a healthy afternoon snack.
  • pair with milk or yoghurt
13) Avocados 
Avocado is loaded with healthy fats and a good dose of vitamin E. The consistency of this fruit is also great for babies beginning to eat solids and can be mixed with milk too.

How to serve?
  • Serve as mashed food that will enhance your baby’s health,
  • Mix wit milk or smoothie
14) Water
Water is a highly overlooked food for children. School going children drink very little water and this can affect the proper brain function. When the children get dehydrated after playing they will be irritable and lethargic and will not be in a frame of mind to listen or memorize.

How To Serve?

  • Offer water along with every meal
  • Make sure that they have access to good drinking water when they are in school.

15) Cereals
Even if your child had a bowl for breakfast, fortified whole grain cereals are a snack thats rich in folate, complex carbs, and easy-to-access protein. Fortified cereals are also a great source of vitamin B12, linked to how well we remember things, reports the National Institutes of Health.

How To Serve?

  • Instead of serving it plain, try mixing some whole grain cereal with raisins and peanuts to improve the nutrient value.
  • Avoid cereals with added sugar
Besides these brainy foods there a lot to choose from. Choosing the right foods for children not only improves their health today, but also lays a solid nutritional foundation for the future. If you are a mom searching for the best foods to boost the brain power of your child and you want to explore the natural way for the brain development of your child. Try these Super foods for brain development of your child and see the difference in performance.

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