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A Call for Guest Posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sweet readers! Hi there. It’s Kris. And I have a favor to ask yis.

First, some background: We’re all about life changes at the CHG Mansion lately. HOTUS and I are still cleaning up from the wedding. I started a new job last week. We’re buying a car, even though I’ve driven exactly once since 2004. Our cat barfed.

And now, the latest, most unexpected (but happy) development: we’re moving right after Thanksgiving.

As they say in France, LES YIKES.

Among many other fabulous things, this means theres not much time to blog, much less pack, much less see the new Harry Potter. (Crap!) Leigh and Jaime are taking up some of the slack, but we’re gonna need backup. So, I was wondering if any of y’all would be interested in providing it. With guest posts, I mean.

If you’re not interested, no worries. We’ll catch up over a few drinks later.

If you are interested, yay! I kiss you.

Here are the details: We’re looking for fun, original, grammatically sound recipe posts and CHG-esque articles. They can be personal accounts, experiments, Top 10s, or anything really, as long as the topics generally adhere to CHGs usual subject matter (cheap n healthy food). Also, taking a look at this Guest Submission Guideline post from Get Rich Slowly might be a good idea.

In return, we can offer you a fair amount of publicity for your own blog, website, small business, or backwoods militia. Our RSS feed is up over 10,000 these days, and we’re getting between 4,000 and 5,000 hits off of various search engines and links daily. So there’s that.

Should this sound like a fun idea, shoot me an e-mail at 

to discuss a potential post, as well as a few blogging rules and regulations (formatting, recipes instruction rewrites, etc.). We’ll take the best ideas and run with ‘em, and see how it all ends up.

If you don’t receive a reply within a few days, I apologize, and will hopefully get to everybody as soon as possible. In the meantime, thank you for being more wonderful than an evening with Ina Garten, Tina Fey, and Eddie Vedder combined.

Now, off to clean up some cat barf.

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