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12 Best Home Remedies For Dandruff

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Home Remedies for Dandruff

Home treatment of dandruff is effective, side effect free and economic also.

What is Dandruff 
Dandruff is shedding of dead cells from the scalp in form of white flakes. Normal Flaking of dead cells is ok but excessive scaling may damage your hair and it can also lead to pimples and acne on forehead and back.

Dandruff and Hair fall
Dandruff sticks to the scalp and it tends to weaken the roots of hair which further leads to hair fall.
Also read : Home Remedies for Hair Fall

Causes and Natural Remedies for Dandruff

What causes dandruff ?

Poor head hygiene
Excessive dry scalp
Synthetic hair products (shampoos, conditioners, hair gels and sprays)
Intestinal disorders like constipation and indigestion.

12 Best Home Remedies For treating Dandruff Naturally

1. Coconut Oil

The first and most widely used home remedy for dandruff is coconut oil. Warm the coconut oil and massage your scalp with this oil. keep it for atleast 12 hours and then rub the scalp gently with fingers or brush.
    2. Fenugreek Seed

    Packed with plenty of medicinal properties Fenugreek seed is also known for its antifungal properties that helps in combating dandruff. Soak fenugreek seed in water overnight and grind it in the morning to make a paste. Apply this paste on the scalp . This fenugreek seed paste can also be mixed with yogurt and applied on scalp for better results.
      3. Aloevera Gel

      Aloe vera gel and juice both work great for hair. It is used in many skin care and hair care products. Aloevera gel makes a perfect  home remedy for dandruff. This gel is also used in many anti dandruff shampoos. Take aloe vera gel and spread it in your palms, now rub the gel gently on your scalp. Shampoo your hair after keeping it for almost 15-20 min. Smooth and silky hair comes as a bonus with this remedy.

          4. Lemon juice 

          As  lemon juice is purely acidic in nature it removes all the impurities and particles from the scalp. But it can be a little harsh on the skin to apply it without diluting the juice. Mix the juice with olive oil and apply all over the scalp. Olive Oils helps in rejuvenating the scalp by getting rid of the damage caused due to the dandruff. Lemon juice and Olive oil makes a perfect combination for dandruff free and healthy hair.
            5. Eggs.

            Eggs are full with vitamins, Proteins and fatty acids which helps is removing scurf and replenishing the nutrients in the scalp. Eggs can also be used to treat dandruff. Take 2 eggs, beat them and mix with lukewarm water (caution: we do not want to poach the egg so take slightly lukewarm water just to break the chill). Apply this on the head (scalp and hair both). wash it off when it dries.

            6. Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Dandruff 

            The anti fungal properties of apple cider vinegar makes it one of the best natural treatments for dandruff. Mix equal part of warm water with equal part of apple cider vinegar. Spay this mixture on your scalp and hair. Leave it for 15 mins and rinse it off. Be caul while spraying the mixture. It should not enter your ears or eyes. This is one of the best home remedies for dandruff
              7. Yogurt a natural cure dandruff  
              This is probably the simplest to do and cheapest of all dandruff home remedies. Apply the yogurt, leave it for 20-30 min and then wash it off. Do not let the yogurt dry out completely as it will make you hair dry. If you are using frozen yogurt then you must bring it to room temperature before applying on the scalp.
                8. Brandy
                Just as beer makes a good homemade hair conditioner brandy makes a good home remedy for dandruff. Dampen a cotton ball with brandy and apply it on the scalp. Massage the scalp gently and rinse.
                  9.  Thyme concoction for dandruff
                  Boil 4 tsp of thyme with 2 cups of water for 10 mins. Strain it and massage the head with this concoction. You can also use this as a final rinse after shampoo for wonderful smell and texture for hair.
                    10.Camphor (kaphoor in Hindi) 
                    Mixed with coconut oil is helpful in getting snow free hair without hassles. Massage thrice in a week and see he results in form of dandruff free and lustrous hair. Those allergic to strong smell should avoid using this remedy
                      11. Oils for dandruff 
                      Oil massage is the best way to pamper your tresses. Some of the oils  that  can be used for massaging the scalp during your anti dandruff regime are Olive oil, coconut oil,  almond oil, Neem oil and Tea Tree Oil.
                        12. Neem
                        Neem is used for treating a variety of ailments in Ayurveda. It has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and it is used in various health and beauty products like shampoo, face-pack, tooth-paste, soap, face wash etc.
                        Neem can be employed to treat dandruff both in form of oil and paste. The scalp becomes dry and itchy due to dandruff, Neem oil can relieve you from this problem. Just massage your scalp with Neem oil and the redness and itching along with dandruff will go away.
                        Make paste by grinding fresh Neem leaves and apply it on the scalp. Leave it on for 15-20 mins and rinse off. If you find the smell too strong to tolerate you can shampoo your hair after rinsing away the neem paste.

                        Tips and Advise to stay dandruff free

                        • Keep your scalp and hair clean. Wash them atleast twice a week.
                        • Cover your head with a scarf while going out to keep it safe from dirt, smoke and harmful sun rays.
                        • Dry scalp is a common cause of dandruff. Take oil massage on your head atleast once in a week.
                        • Limit the use of harsh chemical based hair styling products like hair styling gels and sprays.
                        • Use herbal shampoo instead of chemical based shampoo considering the texture and type of your hair.
                        • Dandruff on face can lead to acne problems. If you are suffering from dandruff then keep your hair off your face and forehead.
                        • If you are suffering form excessive dandruff problem then you also need to cut down on oily and spicy food to get rid of scurf.

                        Recommended anti dandruff Cream

                        J F Lazartigue Anti-Dandruff Cream

                        Home remedies for dandruff treatment can be clubbed with use of some good anti dandruff products. But try choose herbal products and limit the use of chemicals on hair.

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