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Exercise Easier and Lose Weight Faster

Saturday, May 10, 2014

(Article first published as Tips to Exercise Easier, Lose Weight Faster on Technorati.)
Health conscious individuals understand the importance of regular exercise to assist natural weight loss goals and to improve all critical parameters of health. A well sculpted body is usually a sign of somebody who eats properly, stays healthy and has a long term investment in their own longevity. Many people find following a regular fitness program to be an arduous task, and quickly abandon their efforts and hopes for sustainable weight loss and long term health.

Exercise Drives Fat Loss and Improves Heart Health
The indisputable importance of regular exercise is underscored by a study published in the International Journal of Obesity which monitored the effects of high intensity exercise on a group of women for 15 weeks. Women who exercised the most were found to have significant reduction in total body fat and insulin resistance. 

While the study didn’t factor the powerful effects of a well balanced, reduced calorie diet into the results, it’s important to note that the combined effect of diet and exercise will result in increased fat metabolism and lowered blood sugar and insulin levels. It can be easier than you might imagine to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, and the key is to make it simple and fun with these tips.

Tip 1: Keeping It Easy
You don’t have to choose the most difficult or intense exercise to reap the important fitness and fat loss benefits. Unless you’re training for a triathlon, experts suggest the best form of physical activity is walking. It’s natural, fun and how we’ve evolved to stay active and fit.

Depending on your starting fitness level, slowly work your way up to at least 30 minutes of walking each day or at least on 5 days of the week. Studies show that you’ll get the same health benefits if you break it into multiple 10 minute sessions, and be sure to walk at a moderate pace to stimulate fat metabolism.

Tip 2: Work to Build Muscle
Exercise will appear to be easier when you have more muscle built throughout your body. Muscles provide the mechanics to power your body, so it’s important to build muscle tone to get more benefit from your workout. You don’t have to lift weights to build muscle, although free weights and weight machines are popular choices. Try walking while wearing ankle weights or swinging a pair of hand weights.

Tip 3: Clean the House or Mow the Lawn
Household chores qualify as a form of exercise which will assist in your weight reduction and health improvement efforts. Try mowing the lawn, weeding, mopping a dirty floor or vacuuming. Everyday tasks can work your muscles and burn as many calories as a structured exercise routine.

Tip 4: Use the Buddy System
Soliciting the help of a friend or family member is one of the best ways to keep your exercise fun and exciting, and also provides the critical motivation to keep you moving. Either exercise together, or talk about your accomplishments several times a week.

Regular exercise provides critical health benefits which are essential to your long term health and weight loss goals. Medical researchers regularly report the importance of moderate levels of physical activity on fat metabolism and heart health. Following these tips will help you to stay motivated and active so you can reap the significant health and weight loss rewards afforded by a regular exercise program.

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